Middle East

No way to treat a child

December 18, 2019

By Helen Smith Yesterday when we visited Yad Vashem, the most difficult part for me was the sights and sounds of the children – in the ghettos and camps. Today began with a trip to Mehwar, a women’s shelter. The…

Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Middle East

One Day: Three stories of resilience and self-determination

December 17, 2019

By Susan Johnson Story #1 from Qalqilya Our day started on the bus, again, but we travelled with Ramzi Zananari from International Christian Community, a founder of the Department of Services to Palestinian Refugees (DSPR). As we drove, Ramzi described…

Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Middle East

You are the light of the world…let your light shine before others…

December 13, 2019

(Matt. 5:14,16) By Andreas Thiel What sort of courageous people did we encounter today? Not an inappropriate question to pose, considering that each day in the West Bank brings us face to face with individuals and groups that yield fresh…

Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Middle East, Spirited Reflections

A conspiracy with the God of Hope

December 13, 2019

By Jennifer Henry I have rarely seen anything as beautiful as the group of women and children who gathered to meet the KAIROS delegation in Thabra in the West Bank. About thirty women and young children, all so incredibly welcoming…

Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Middle East

Not your Grandmother’s pilgrimage

December 12, 2019

By Rosalyn Elm Packed into a tight airplane seat, excitement was building as we woke from our slumber, touching down in Tel Aviv. It was uneventful as we breezed through security and customs, and were greeted by our driver, Nassar….

Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Middle East

“Come and see…and act” KAIROS solidarity delegation visits Palestine and Israel

December 11, 2019

The KAIROS Church Leaders Delegation to Palestine and Israel took place between Nov 17-28, 2019, bringing together 8 delegates – Indigenous persons, settlers, and newcomers – representing 7 members of KAIROS and the Executive Director of KAIROS (link to bios)….

Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Middle East

KAIROS Joins Amnesty International Canada urging the federal government not to appeal ruling on goods from illegal Israeli settlements

August 27, 2019

KAIROS supports Amnesty International Canada’s request that the Canadian government not appeal the recent, important Federal Court decision – in Kattenburg v. Canada (Attorney General) – that goods imported into Canada from the Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East…

Post filed in: Middle East

Spirited Reflection: Youth and children: raising hope and making change

September 12, 2018

World Council of Churches Week of Prayer for Peace in Israel Palestine Timing is everything, so they say, and the truth of this applied in the coincidence of reading a review of a book about the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian…

Post filed in: Middle East, Spirited Reflections

Resilience and collective responsibility in peace building in Palestine

August 20, 2018

In July, my colleague Rachel Warden and I travelled to the West Bank to visit with Wi’am: Palestinian Conflict Transformation Center, one of five KAIROS partner organizations in the Women of Courage: Women, Peace and Security (WPS) program. I was…

Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Middle East

Ecumenical Call to stop the demolition of Khan al Ahmar

August 16, 2018

“By silence and inaction, governments have become complicit in this violation of international law…” KAIROS joins fifteen international faith-based, civil society, and human rights organizations from around the world in collectively calling on our governments to take action to stop…

Post filed in: Middle East

The city of Jerusalem must be shared and open

December 8, 2017

In the wake of US declarations on status of Jerusalem, KAIROS shares its long standing position on Jerusalem as an open city.  Our policy says: The city of Jerusalem must be shared and open. The question of Jerusalem has two…

Post filed in: Middle East

Wi’am – Occupying space with courage, resilience and humanity

May 4, 2017

It was my first time in Israel and Palestine. From April 1-10, I joined a Canadian delegation, which included representatives from the United Church of Canada and the Presbyterian Church in Canada, to visit partners in the region and finally…

Post filed in: Middle East

Gaza calls: Canada answers on November 26, 2016

November 7, 2016

Gaza Calls: Canada Answers is a live video-conference that will be available in up to 20 locations across Canada on November 26. This initiative is sponsored by some KAIROS member churches, and regional KAIROS committees have helped organize some of…

Post filed in: Middle East

KAIROS network shows solidarity for partners in the Middle East

September 11, 2014

“In this moment, we must all don the robe of humanity. It is a time to stand together as Canadians, Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, Jews, Israelis and Christians as one soul. We must show that none is ignored or considered unworthy…

Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Middle East

KAIROS Members Call for Peace in Gaza

August 1, 2014

KAIROS member churches and organizations continue to speak out for peace in Gaza, urging the Canadian government to become more engaged in building a just peace.

Post filed in: Middle East

Support those affected by ongoing violence in Gaza

July 28, 2014

A number of KAIROS’ member churches are accepting donations to provide direct support to those affected by ongoing violence in Gaza.

Post filed in: Middle East

Current Violence and Military Action in Israel and Palestine

July 15, 2014

Jennifer Henry, Executive Director of KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives, has issued a statement in response to the ongoing violence and military action in Palestine and Israel.

Post filed in: Middle East

Serving refugees in the Middle East region: DSPR

July 23, 2013

KAIROS partner, Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees (DSPR), is a body of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) that serves Palestinian and other refugees across the Middle East region. In operation since 1949, DSPR provides diverse services to…

Post filed in: Middle East, Migrant Justice

KAIROS, the WCC and the MECC express concern for bishops kidnapped in Syria

May 29, 2013

In April, Syrian Archbishops (Metropolitans) His Eminence Boulos (Yazigi), from the Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch and His Eminence Mor Youhanna Gregorios (Ibrahim) from the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch, were abducted in Aleppo. By all accounts they remain in…

Post filed in: Middle East

Middle East Churches and their partners issue statement on Christian presence and witness in the Middle East

May 21, 2013

From May 21 to 25, KAIROS staff took part in the Middle East Council of Churches and World Council of Churches conference, “Christian presence and witness in the Middle East” in Beirut, Lebanon. In a joint statement, the conference called…

Post filed in: Middle East

Take action: Ask the government to clearly identify Israeli settlement products sold in Canada

May 6, 2013

(Support for a United Church of Canada action) The United Church of Canada is inviting the ecumenical and justice community to write to the Foreign Affairs and Trade ministers, asking for proper identification of Israeli settlement products in Canadian stores…

Post filed in: Middle East

Honouring human rights defenders in photos: A KAIROS slideshow for International Human Rights Day

December 11, 2012

KAIROS marks International Human Rights Day, December 10, and the following week of celebration by commemorating the courageous work of our human rights partners in Canada and in the Global South. Through our migrant justice, Indigenous rights, women of courage and…

Post filed in: Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East

United Nations has recognized Palestine as non-member state

November 30, 2012

On 29 November 2012, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) passed an historic resolution upgrading the Palestinian Territories to the status of a non-member observer state. This move by the UNGA to recognize Palestinian statehood is seen by many as…

Post filed in: Middle East

Crisis in Gaza: KAIROS Partners Respond

November 20, 2012

As the conflict continues between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, KAIROS partner, the Near East Council of Churches (NECC), is responding with emergency medical care to the growing number of injured civilians. NECC in Gaza, a branch of KAIROS partner…

Post filed in: Middle East

News from KAIROS Partner in Gaza

November 16, 2012

“We could not sleep last night, today we cannot go out of our houses, it is dangerous to move around. NECC premises are closed , employees cannot reach the working places. Gaza people live in fear and stress. I hope…

Post filed in: Middle East

KAIROS joins the cry for an end to violence in Syria

September 7, 2012

KAIROS joins the global cry for an end to the violence in Syria, for dialogue between the warring parties, and for a just peace for the Syrian people. KAIROS echoes the call of the World Council of Churches for an…

Post filed in: Middle East

Report on Living Courage Eastern Tour and TRC, June 5-25, 2012

August 13, 2012

KAIROS partners, Claudia Castellanos, from the Popular Feminist Organization (OFP) in Colombia, and Lucy Talgieh from Wi’am: Palestinian Conflict Resolution Center in Bethlehem, Occupied Palestinian Territories visited communities in Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Ontario and Saskatchewan during the Living Courage tour,…

Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Indigenous Rights, Latin America, Middle East

Canada must urge Israel to resume negotiations for peace within International Law

February 13, 2012

Download PDF of this article >> Recently, Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs travelled to the Middle East, an admirable thing to do in a region so in need of peace. KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives believes that the government of…

Post filed in: Middle East