Archive for October 2017
Living Justice: Reformation 500 in Toronto
October 31, 2017
Sermon: In Truth, With Love, For Justice St James Cathedral, October 29, 2017, by Jennifer Henry Creation, Human Beings, Salvation–Not for Sale Texts: Isaiah 42: 5-9, Psalm 36: 5-10, James 2: 14-18, John 13: 33-35 I am so grateful to be…
Post filed in: Spirited Reflections
Letter to the editor: Clean up pollution now in Indigenous communities
October 26, 2017
Decades of neglect, Oct. 24 The environmental commissioner of Ontario is right to condemn years of inaction by government in addressing toxic pollution in Indigenous communities. The lack of information being provided to communities about their exposure to deadly toxins…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Indigenous Rights
Water flows, connects and knows no borders
October 25, 2017
I hadn’t realized how maps shape ones perspective of place and in turn how one then relates to that place. On October 14th, I attended a KAIROS event in Halifax on the topic of Reconciliation In Our Watershed. At one…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Regional News
New Epiphany worship resource coming soon
October 25, 2017
Today we are announcing a coming Epiphany worship resource that includes reflections from newcomers and Indigenous peoples in our midst. It is called Gifts for Another Way, remembering the gifts of the Magi and the many other gifts offered in…
Post filed in: Spirited Reflections
Letter to the editor: Locals, women most affected by corporate harm, least heard
October 25, 2017
Re: “House subcommittee hearings on mining in Latin America a public disservice,” (The Hill Times, Oct. 18, p. 15). KAIROS too is alarmed that the voices of people affected by Canadian mining operations have not been heard during the current…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Latin America
A Feast of Gifts: Opening the door to new friendships
October 24, 2017
Invite your neighbours to a cultural and culinary feast! Every community includes Indigenous people, newcomers to Canada and long time settlers yet these groups are often isolated from one another. KAIROS invites you to consider planning A Feast of Gifts…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights, Migrant Justice
MEDIA ADVISORY: KAIROS spotlights new economy trailblazers
October 23, 2017
Melina Laboucan-Massimo kicks off blog series on day one of Bonn climate conference (Toronto, On) – On the day U.N. climate talks begin in Bonn, Germany, KAIROS Canada launches a new blog series called, New Economy Trailblazers, showcasing individuals who…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Media Releases
Faith-based group commits to reconciling with Indigenous people
October 22, 2017
Photo: In the blanket exercise, blankets represent land belonging to Indigenous people prior to contact. As the game goes on, the blankets become smaller, with large distances between them. Listen to podcast. Churches played a major role in residential schools, and…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights
Reflection on pilgrimage of justice and peace: Welcoming Refugees
October 18, 2017
This article is a contribution from Canadian Quakers to the WCC call to journey in justice and peace. Friends in Canada have been welcoming refugees since the 19th C., when work was done to bring Doukhobors living under persecution…
Post filed in: Spirited Reflections
Spirited Reflection: The values of food
October 10, 2017
The month of October brings many opportunities to reflect on the place of food in our lives. For those of us in the Christian tradition, it opens with Worldwide Communion Sunday — a day when our sisters and brothers in…
Post filed in: Spirited Reflections
Foreign workers should be eligible to apply for permanent residence prior to or upon arrival to Canada
October 9, 2017
This past weekend we gathered around the dinner table with family and friends to give thanks. Often we acknowledge the delicious bounty that’s before us. If grown in Canada, this bounty is often tended to and harvested by people like…
Post filed in: Migrant Justice, Op Eds
MEDIA ADVISORY: Indigenous and newcomer communities gather in Fredericton for reconciliation, Oct 28
October 9, 2017
St. Mary’s First Nation hosts first KAIROS Indigenous and Newcomer Friendships event (Ottawa, ON) – KAIROS Canada launches the first Indigenous and Newcomer Friendships for a just and inclusive community event on Saturday, October 28 at St. Mary’s First Nation…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights, Media Releases, Migrant Justice
MEDIA ADVISORY: Reconciliation in the Watershed comes to Guelph, October 28
October 9, 2017
Local residents invited to renew relationships with watershed & Indigenous peoples (Toronto, ON) – Connecting the local ecology with Indigenous rights, and identifying ways to renew relationships with Indigenous peoples and the Grand River Watershed are some of the expected…
Post filed in: Uncategorized
KAIROS Times: October 2017
October 6, 2017
Winds of Change in Manitoba and BC Action: Contact your MP to support UNDRIP bill 10th Anniversary of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples KAIROS Reconciliation in the Watershed Workshop Series: registration is now open Indigenous and…
Post filed in: KAIROS Times E-Newsletter
Letter to the editor: Remember migrant workers this Thanksgiving
October 6, 2017
He’s worked legally in Canada for 37 years but the government considers him ‘temporary’ Oct. 5 As we sit down with family and friends this Thanksgiving, let’s remember the migrant workers who help bring the food to our tables. These…
Post filed in: Migrant Justice
Amitiés entre Autochtones et nouveaux arrivants – pour une communauté juste et inclusive
October 5, 2017
À partir de cet automne et jusqu’en mars 2018 KAIROS et ses partenaires invitent les Autochtones et les nouveaux arrivants au Canada à participer à une série d’événements de réconciliation intitulée Amitiés entre Autochtones & nouveaux arrivants – pour une…
Post filed in: En français, Indigenous Rights, Migrant Justice
KAIROS UN Declaration Video: Please Share
October 5, 2017
Dear Friends, This Thanksgiving I want to share with you a short video about persistent advocacy and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. I invite you to take a moment to watch it, share it with your…
Post filed in: Executive Director, Indigenous Rights, Spirited Reflections, UNDRIP Blog Updates
Regional news – thank you Carin Crowe!
October 4, 2017
We offer a huge ‘Thank you’ to Carin Crowe for 5 years of dedicated service in the role of KAIROS Cambrian-Agassiz Regional Representative. Carin completed her term as of the September 28th regional meeting in Winnipeg. There are many, many…
Post filed in: Regional News
MEDIA ADVISORY: Reconciliation in the Watershed comes to Regina, October 21
October 4, 2017
Local residents invited to renew relationships with watershed & Indigenous peoples (Regina, SK) – Connecting the local ecology with Indigenous rights, and identifying ways to renew relationships with Indigenous peoples and the Southern Saskatchewan watersheds are some of the expected…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Media Releases
UPDATE: Winds of Change in Manitoba and BC
October 4, 2017
The Winds of Change have been active in Manitoba and British Columbia thanks to the efforts of local KAIROS organizers. In Manitoba, the KAIROS Cambrian Agassiz group met with the Manitoba Ministry of Education and Training on August 25. Education…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights, UNDRIP Blog Updates
South Sudan partners tour Canada during No Más II, November 24 – December 10
October 4, 2017
In the September KAIROS Times you were alerted to the No Más II Tour this fall with two South Sudanese women visitors from the South Sudan Council of Churches (SSCC) National Women’s Programme (NWP). The tour will run from November…
Post filed in: Africa, Gender Justice/Women of Courage
Reconciliation in the Watersheds of Mi’kmaki
October 3, 2017
On September 16, over 30 people gathered on unceded Mi’kmaki territory for a day-long Reconciliation in the Watershed workshop to learn about our relational connection to the watershed and the people who live within it. KAIROS Canada hosted this workshop…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
Spirited Reflection: Walking with our Sisters
October 3, 2017
On October 4 vigils across the country remember and honour missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls, and in Toronto, October 15-29, the Walking With Our Sisters commemoration will be held at the Aboriginal Education Centre. Here are two prayers…
Post filed in: Spirited Reflections
MEDIA ADVISORY: Reconciliation in the Watershed comes to London; October 14
October 3, 2017
Local residents invited to renew relationships with watershed & Indigenous peoples (London; ON) – Connecting the local ecology with Indigenous rights; and identifying ways to renew relationships with Indigenous peoples and the Thames River watershed are some of the expected…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Media Releases
MEDIA ADVISORY: Reconciliation in Our Watershed comes to Halifax, October 14
October 3, 2017
Local residents invited to renew relationships with watershed & Indigenous peoples (Halifax, NS) – Connecting the local ecology with Indigenous rights, and identifying ways to renew relationships with Indigenous peoples and the Mahone-Halifax watershed are some of the expected outcomes…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Media Releases