KAIROS Members Call for Peace in Gaza
As the situation in Gaza escalates, several KAIROS member churches and organizations have released new calls to the Canadian government to become actively engaged in seeking a just peace.
The Most Rev. Fred Hiltz, Archbishop and Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, has issued a call for prayers and peace.
The Rev. Susan C. Johnson, National Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, has written to the Prime Minister urging Canada to take an active role in seeking peace.. The letter can be found on the ELCIC website.
Menonnite Central Committee Canada, along with the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren, Brethren in Christ Canada, Mennonite Church Canada, and the Evangelical Mennonite Conference issued this letter urging the Canadian government to help achieve a meaningful and lasting ceasefire.
The Reverend Professor Stephen C Farris, Moderator of the 140th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, has issued a lament for the the lives lost in Israel and Palestine.
The Canadian Friends Service Committee has written the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs on behalf of Canadian Quakers. The letter can be found here.
The Right Rev. Gary Patterson, Moderator of the United Church of Canada, has also written to the Prime Minister, urging the government “to uphold international law and Canadian values of equality.” The letter can be found here.
In addition, several KAIROS member continue to collect funds for humanitarian relief in Gaza. More information can be found here.