Archive for September 2014
Peace with Justice: International Day of Peace by Jennifer Henry
September 30, 2014
Jennifer Henry explains that peace of which the prophet Micah spoke is not the absence of conventional war, rather the presence of transformed beliefs and collective understandings, economic and ecological justice and democratic inclusions, human rights and greater equality.
Post filed in: Spirited Reflections
In Memory of the life of Adolfo Ich Chaman-
September 26, 2014
Today, five years later, KAIROS joins the family of Adolfo Ich Chaman- , his community and human rights and solidarity groups in Guatemala and in Canada in commemorating Adolfo Ich’s life and demanding justice. Angelica Choc, Adolfo’s wife, has called…
Post filed in: Latin America
Urgent Action – Ask MPs to support the Ombudsman bill
September 26, 2014
This is a crucial moment in the Open for Justice campaign to win greater accountability from the Canadian mining, oil and gas industry. Find out how you can join this urgent action!
Post filed in: Corporate Accountability, Ecological Justice
Being Right, Doing Right: Social Justice and the Temptation of Appearance by André Forget
September 22, 2014
André Forget reflects on the difference between doing the right thing as opposed to merely appearing to do the right thing.
Post filed in: Spirited Reflections
Justice Camp: Oil/tarsands by Nathan Lodewyk
September 19, 2014
Are we stuck in the same trap as the people of Babel; building higher and higher not because we should but because we can? In his reflection, Nathan Lodewyk, a young adult from the Christian Reformed Church in North America…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Indigenous Rights, Spirited Reflections
A Place Between Cynicism and Idealism by Greg Veltman
September 12, 2014
As the People’s Climate March on September 21 draws closer, we are mindful of how our use and production of energy effects the earth and all its peoples. Greg Veltman was one of two young adults supported by KAIROS to…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Spirited Reflections
KAIROS network shows solidarity for partners in the Middle East
September 11, 2014
“In this moment, we must all don the robe of humanity. It is a time to stand together as Canadians, Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, Jews, Israelis and Christians as one soul. We must show that none is ignored or considered unworthy…
Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Middle East
KAIROS Times: September 2014
September 10, 2014
Read the September 2014 issue.
Post filed in: KAIROS Times E-Newsletter
Development Free of Fear by Rev. Desmond Jagger-Parsons
September 9, 2014
Rev. Desmond Jagger-Parsons, BA LLB MDiv, is the Head of the Philippine Learning Tour, a delegation organized by KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives, with representatives from KAIROS member churches, CUPE, MiningWatch Canada and Indigenous people in Canada. Rev. Jagger-Parsons is…
Post filed in: Asia-Pacific
Holy Cross Sunday: Is It Worth It? by Brian Wilker-Frey
September 8, 2014
Brian Wilker-Frey explains that it’s not enough to hold up the cross, say thank you Jesus, and carry on with the worship service.
Post filed in: Spirited Reflections
People’s Climate March
September 3, 2014
Government leaders from across the globe will be meeting in New York City on September 23 for a one-day United Nations climate summit. The People’s Climate March precedes it on September 21 and will send out a massive, united call…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
The Great Turning: A Path toward Life by Mark Hathaway
September 2, 2014
Inspired by a passage from Romans, Mark Hathaway tell us that rather than working for change based on what we should not do, or even out of guilt or fear, work for the Great Turning that will be sustainable and…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Spirited Reflections