Overview of Areas of Work

KAIROS deliberates on issues of common concern, advocates for social change and joins with people of faith and goodwill in action for social transformation, in 5 areas of focus.


Ecological Justice

Program & Activities

“We are not truly human without a communion with the rest of life.”


Gender Justice

Program & Activities

“KAIROS’ commitment to gender justice is shaped by the experience and wisdom of partners.”


Indigenous Rights

Program & Activities

“We are all Treaty people who share responsibility for taking action on reconciliation. Without truth, justice and healing, there can be no reconciliation.”

migrant justice

Migrant Justice

Program & Activities

“Migrants, regardless of their legal and employment status, possess an inherent human dignity that should be respected, and basic human needs that must be met.”

prophetic witness

Prophetic Witness


“KAIROS is a faithful ecumenical response to the call to “do justice and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8).”