Archive for October 2010
Humanized Globalization: Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples and Migrant Workers from Guatemala to Canada. A conversation with Bishop Ramazzini
October 28, 2010
“ This gathering is an expression of our desire to humanize globalization. I want to thank you for that”. This is how Bishop Ramazzini from the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Marcos in Guatemala, began his talk to a group…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights, Latin America, Migrant Justice
The Struggle for Mining Accountability Continues in the Wake of Bill C-300
October 28, 2010
KAIROS is deeply disappointed by the defeat of Bill C-300 at its third reading in the House of Commons. The private member’s bill, which would have created new mechanisms to hold Canadian mining, oil and gas companies accountable when they…
Post filed in: Africa, Asia-Pacific, Ecological Justice, Latin America
The Land Our Life
October 28, 2010
A reflection given in worship at the BC/Yukon Regional KAIROS meeting at Sorrento, BC, October 3, 2010, by Janet Gray Scriptural readings: Isaiah 11:1-9, Mark 10:17-22 —————————————- The Land we stand on is sacred ground. We acknowledge this territory is the land…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights
Kairos Times: October 2010
October 15, 2010
Read the October 2010 issue.
Post filed in: KAIROS Times E-Newsletter
Violations massives des droits humains en RDC : maintenant on sait. Il est grand temps d’agir!
October 12, 2010
La publication recente du rapport Projet Mapping concernant les violations les plus graves des droits humains commises entre 1993 et 2003 sur le territoire de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) est une occasion à saisir pour combattre efficacement l’impunité…
Post filed in: En français
Sudanese and Canadian church support historic South Sudan self-determination referendum on January 9, 2011
October 10, 2010
South Sudan will hold an historic self-determination referendum on January 9, 2011 called for in the historic 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement ending the North-South civil war in Sudan. A Sudanese ecumenical delegation lead by the Sudan Council of Churches, a KAIROS-funded…
Post filed in: Africa
Update on the fate of Congolese human rights defender Golden Misabiko
October 6, 2010
On August 31st, KAIROS issued an urgent appeal for the release of Golden Misabiko, the 53-year-old President of the Katangan branch of the Association africaine de defense des droits de l’homme, ASADHO-Katanga, a respected Congolese human rights organization. Click here to…
Post filed in: Africa