Archive for April 2010
World Peoples’ Summit On Climate Change And The Rights Of Mother Earth
April 28, 2010
Summary of the Final Declaration From April 19-22, 2010 forty thousand people – NGOs, Indigenous Peoples, political leaders, and citizens from every continent – met together in various working groups to come up with real solutions to climate change. The…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
KAIROS’ Response to the Tar Sands
April 27, 2010
Development of the Alberta tar sands poses a serious ethical dilemma for Canadians. How can we create meaningful employment and meet our energy needs while at the same time respecting Indigenous rights and the Earth’s natural limits? The way, and…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
Gratitude and hope in times of crisis
April 26, 2010
Note: What follows are reflections by Mary Corkery, KAIROS’ Executive Director, speaking at a public event in Victoria, British Columbia, on March 23, 2010. Why are we here? We are here because you care so deeply for the well-being of…
Post filed in: Spirited Reflections
Perspectives from the Global South
April 22, 2010
From April 19-22, 2010 close to 35 thousand people –Indigenous Peoples, NGOs, political leaders, and citizens from every continent – met in Cochabamba, Bolivia to come up with real solutions to climate change. The President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, called…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights
Analyse stratégique 24: La taxe Robin des Bois – KAIROS réclame une taxe sur les transactions financières internationales
April 21, 2010
Une petite taxe qui peut faire un bien immense Une taxe sur les transactions financières (TTF) – un faible prélèvement sur les transactions des marchés financiers s’appliquant aux actions, aux obligations, aux produits dérivés et aux opérations de change –…
Post filed in: En français
The Robin Hood Tax: KAIROS Calls for a Global Financial Transactions Tax
April 21, 2010
A Tiny Tax That Will Do A World of Good A Financial Transactions Tax (FTT) –a small levy on financial market transactions including equity, bond, derivative and foreign exchange trades– is one of the best ways to fund programs to…
Post filed in: Uncategorized
KAIROS Times: April 2010
April 15, 2010
Read the April 2010 issue.
Post filed in: KAIROS Times E-Newsletter
Global Finance
April 11, 2010
Global Finance Whereas a stable financial system is essential for achieving our goals of social justice and care for the Earth, the current international system remains fragile and crisis-prone. KAIROS research and analysis on the global financial crisis focuses on…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
Il faut protéger les droits des lubicons
April 6, 2010
« Ma grand-mère et ma mère ont leur sentier de piégeage où elles vont chasser et tendre leurs collets mais il est bien rare qu’elles rapportent du lièvre, de l’orignal, du chevreuil, du coq de bruyère ou même de l’ours……
Post filed in: En français, Indigenous Rights
Federal Budget Fails the World’s Poor and Urgent Need to Address Climate Change
April 6, 2010
Finance Minister James Flaherty’s 2010 budget states that there will be no further increases to foreign aid following a previously promised 8% rise in 2010. This cutback comes at a time when developing countries are struggling to overcome the combined…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
Canadian Council of Churches & Evangelical Fellowship of Canada send letter to Minister Oda
April 1, 2010
Download the pdf
Post filed in: Media Releases
Le Conseil Canadien des Églises et L’Alliance évangélique du Canada envoient une lettre au la ministre Oda
April 1, 2010
Cliquez ici pour regarder la lettre dans le format de pdf>>
Post filed in: En français