Archive for 2009
Response to Some Questions Raised
December 23, 2009
“Minister Kenney’s statement that KAIROS took “a leadership role in the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign” against Israel is false.” Issue: KAIROS responds again to the Canadian government’s accusation that it led “the campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign…
Post filed in: Executive Director
KAIROS Times: December 2009
December 23, 2009
Read the December 2009 issue.
Post filed in: KAIROS Times E-Newsletter
KAIROS Briefing Paper #22: Canada’s Climate Challenge: What’s at stake in the Copenhagen climate change talks
December 22, 2009
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, between December 7-18, 2009 represents a critical turning point in mobilizing the political will for a transition towards a low-carbon future. Canada’s challenge is to bring credible and constructive…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
KAIROS, Initiatives canadiennes œcuméniques pour la justice répond aux déclarations du ministre Kenney sur l’antisémitisme
December 21, 2009
La ministre de la Coopération internationale, Mme Bev Oda, a expliqué à KAIROS, au Parlement et au peuple canadien qu’on allait couper la subvention de KAIROS parce que son travail ne correspondait pas aux priorités de l’Agence canadienne de développement…
Post filed in: En français
KAIROS Responds to Accusations of Anti-Semitism and Renews Call for CIDA Funding to Be Restored
December 18, 2009
Attention: Religion, Government, Foreign, Social and Human Rights Journalists For Immediate Release Friday, December 18, 2009 (Toronto) KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives denies allegations by Immigration Minister Jason Kenney that it is anti-Semitic and decries the apparent politicization of aid…
Post filed in: Executive Director
KAIROS répond à des accusations d’antisémitisme et renouvelle son appel pour que soit rétablie la subvention de l’ACDI
December 18, 2009
Secteurs : affaires religieuses, affaires publiques, affaires étrangères, affaires sociales et droits de la personne Pour publication immédiate Le vendredi 18 décembre 2009 (Toronto) KAIROS, Initiatives canadiennes œcuméniques pour la justice dément les allégations d’antisémitisme formulées par le ministre de…
Post filed in: En français
MEDIA ADVISORY – Bell Ringing Action
December 11, 2009
Hundreds of Churches Join KAIROS and WCC Bell Ringing Action This Sunday Toronto/For Immediate Release Friday, December 11, 2009 WHO: More than 250 of KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives’ member churches and local committees from coast to coast to coast….
Post filed in: Media Releases
MEDIA RELEASE: Pressure Mounts for CIDA to Renew Funding For KAIROS
December 8, 2009
Pressure Mounts for CIDA to Renew Funding For KAIROS’ Human Rights Program: Funding Cut puts Human Rights Defenders at Greater Risk Attention: Religion, Government, Foreign, Social and Human Rights Journalists For Immediate Release/10:15AM EST Tuesday 08 December, 2009 (Ottawa) The…
Post filed in: Media Releases
December 7, 2009
L’ARRÊT DU FINANCEMENT DE L’ACDI À KAIROS AURA DES CONSÉQUENCES DRAMATIQUES SUR SON TRAVAIL DE DÉFENSE DES DROITS HUMAINS À L’ÉTRANGER À l’attention des journalistes sur les questions religieuses, internationales, sociales et sur les droits humains Pour publication immédiate Mercredi…
Post filed in: En français, Media Releases
KAIROS sur la colline du Parlement
December 7, 2009
POUR DIFFUSION IMMÉDIATE AVIS AUX MÉDIAS LE 7 DÉCEMBRE 2009 KAIROS SUR LA COLLINE DU PARLEMENT Des chefs d’Église donnent une conférence de presse Ottawa, ON – Des chefs d’Église et d’ONG donnent une conférence de presse sur la Colline…
Post filed in: En français
December 7, 2009
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MEDIA ADVISORY DECEMBER 7, 2009 KAIROS COMES TO PARLIAMENT HILL Church Leaders Hold Press Conference Ottawa, ON – Church and NGO Leaders will hold a press conference on Parliament Hill to address the unprecedented decision of International…
Post filed in: Media Releases
MEDIA RELEASE: CIDA Cuts to KAIROS will devestate human rights work overseas
December 2, 2009
Attention: Religion, Foreign, Social and Human Rights Journalists For Immediate Release Wednesday, 02 December 2009 (Toronto) The Canadian government’s decision to cut funding to KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives will have a devastating impact on KAIROS’ overseas partners and the…
Post filed in: Media Releases
KAIROS Partners Murdered in Philippines: A Response to the Massacre
November 26, 2009
Attention: Religion, Foreign, and Human Rights Journalists For Immediate Release Thursday, 26 November 2009 (Toronto) KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives condemns the murder of 57 people in the Philippines, including two of its human rights partners, and calls on the…
Post filed in: Asia-Pacific
KAIROS Times: November 2009
November 23, 2009
Read the November 2009 issue.
Post filed in: KAIROS Times E-Newsletter
KAIROS Briefing Paper #21: The Costs and Risks of Carbon Capture and Storage
November 22, 2009
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a technology for trapping carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and storing them underground before they escape into the atmosphere. The Canadian government wants CCS to be a major part of Canada’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
Indigenous Peoples and Oil and Gas Development
November 20, 2009
Policy Briefing Paper No.18
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights
Financial Crisis An Opportunity for a New Global Order: Briefing Paper #19
November 20, 2009
Policy Briefing Paper #19
Post filed in: Uncategorized
Carbon Capture and Storage: A Costly and Risky Way to Tackle Climate Change
November 20, 2009
Policy Briefing Paper #21
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
Pricing Carbon: A Primer
November 20, 2009
This briefing paper examines two market-based approaches to reducing greenhouse gas emissions – cap-and-trade systems and carbon taxes. Since the Canadian government proposes to adopt cap-and-trade as a central element of its climate change strategy, this paper pays special attention…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
KAIROS Briefing Paper #20: Pricing Carbon: A Primer
November 1, 2009
Of the many approaches to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, two are market-based: cap-and-trade systems and carbon taxes. Both these proposals involve putting a price on carbon dioxide emissions as an incentive for companies and individuals to take steps to reduce the amount of GHGs…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
KAIROS Briefing Paper #19: Financial Crisis An Opportunity for a New Global Order
November 1, 2009
The current financial crisis has created an exceptional opportunity for transforming the global economic order. In this report we shall first explore the proximate causes of the crisis that began with excessive speculation in the US housing and financial markets. In Part II…
Post filed in: Uncategorized
KAIROS Briefing Paper #18: Indigenous Peoples and Oil and Gas Development Respecting Rights, Minimizing Risks, Maximizing Benefits
November 1, 2009
Oil and gas exploration and development has been driven to the doorsteps and backyards of Indigenous communities across Canada by society’s seemingly insatiable demand for nonrenewable fossil fuels. Historically, the societies and cultures of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples have been seriously damaged…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights
KAIROS Times, October 2009
October 23, 2009
Read the October 2009 issue.
Post filed in: KAIROS Times E-Newsletter
Open Letter Supporting Copenhagen Climate Bill Read in House of Commons
October 22, 2009
Yesterday afternoon, MP Bruce Hyer read excerpts from the ‘Open Letter Supporting the Copenhagen Climate Bill’ to the House of Commons. This letter has been endorsed by forty-three organizations from coast to coast, including KAIROS. Download the PDF of the…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
Open Letter Supporting the Copenhagen Climate Bill
October 20, 2009
Dear Members of Parliament, The climate crisis represents the most urgent challenge of our time. Failure to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases will lead to catastrophic changes in our climate, threatening millions of people with drought, famine, extreme weather events…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
KAIROS Participates in News Conference and Parade of 100,000 KYOTOplus Signatures to Harper Government
October 20, 2009
Photo Opportunity For Immediate Release Tuesday, October 20, 2009 (Toronto) KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives will join labour and nongovernmental organizations at a KYOTOplus public event on Parliament Hill on October 22, 2009 urging the Harper government take immediate, strong…
Post filed in: Media Releases
Waters of Creation: An ecumenical service of worship
September 21, 2009
These are resources and suggestions for an ecumenical service of worship that can be used in whole or in part; simply choose what you need. Use it in your regular service of worship, in a special ecumenical service, in your…
Post filed in: Spirited Reflections
KAIROS Calls for Apocalyptic Living
August 4, 2009
Over the last two centuries, the Western World has made great strides in abolishing slavery, improving corporate treatment of the environment, putting an end to racism and creating a more materially equitable society — that is, depending on whose history…
Post filed in: Spirited Reflections