Archive for October 2011
Letter to PM Harper re. UNDRIP from Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
October 31, 2011
The Reverend Susan C. Johnson, National Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, has at the request of the ELCIC National Convention written a letter to Prime Minister Harper encouraging the Canadian government “to fully and effectively implement the…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights
Le point sur l’ACDI pour les amies de KAIROS
October 28, 2011
KAIROS a reçu dernièrement une réponse de l’ADCI à sa proposition de mars 2010. Dans une lettre en date du 22 septembre 2011, l’ACDI indique que la demande de KAIR0S est rejetée parce qu’elle n’offrirait pas une «bonne valeur qualité-prix»…
Post filed in: En français
CIDA update for KAIROS Supporters
October 28, 2011
KAIROS recently received a response to its CIDA proposal of March 2010. In a letter dated Sept. 22, 2011, CIDA states that the application is being rejected because it would not be “good value for money.” This was the second…
Post filed in: Uncategorized
Le Canada doit appuyer le rôle des femmes dans la construction de la paix et la défense des droits humains en République démocratique du Congo
October 27, 2011
Le conflit qui fit rage en République démocratique du Congo (RDC) de 1996 à 2003 fut le plus meurtrier que le monde ait connu depuis la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. Officiellement, les combats sont terminés mais la violence et l’insécurité persistent…
Post filed in: En français
Canada’s responsibility in advancing women’s roles in peacebuilding and defending human rights in the Democratic Republic of Congo
October 27, 2011
The conflict that raged in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) from 1996 to 2003 was the world’s deadliest since the Second World War. Despite an official end to the fighting, violence and insecurity still prevail in the eastern region…
Post filed in: Africa
Le Canada a la responsabilité de promouvoir la participation des femmes à la consolidation de la paix et à la défense des droits humains dans les Républiques du Soudan et du Sud-Soudan
October 27, 2011
Le Soudan (qui comprend maintenant la République du Soudan et la nouvelle République du Sud-Soudan) a connu pendant plus de 20 ans une guerre civile porteuse de violence, de mort et de destruction. Un nouvel espoir a surgi avec la…
Post filed in: En français
Canada’s responsibility in advancing women’s roles in peacebuilding and defending human rights in the Republics of Sudan and South Sudan
October 27, 2011
Sudan (now consisting of the Republic of Sudan and the new Republic of South Sudan) had endured over 20 years of a civil war that brought violence, death and destruction. New hope came with the signing of the 2005 Comprehensive…
Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage
Le Canada se doit de promouvoir le rôle des femmes dans la consolidation de la paix et la défense des droits humains aux Philippines
October 27, 2011
D’anciennes crises économiques et politiques continuent d’alimenter le conflit armé interne aux Philippines. Quarante mille personnes ont été tuées, surtout dans les régions rurales. Dans l’île de Mindanao, la guerre a coûté la vie à plus de 120 000 personnes…
Post filed in: En français
Canada’s responsibility in advancing women’s roles in peacebuilding and defending human rights in the Philippines
October 27, 2011
Long-standing economic and political crises continue to fuel internal armed conflict in the Philippines. As many as 40,000 people have been killed, mostly in the rural areas. In Mindanao, the price of war has included the death of more than…
Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage
Appel interreligieux canadien au leadership et à l’action sur le changement climatique
October 26, 2011
Nous, représentants des communautés religieuses canadiennes, reconnaissons unanimement qu’on pourrait réagir à la crise croissante du changement climatique au moyen de solutions inspirées des ressources morales et spirituelles des traditions religieuses du monde. Nous reconnaissons qu’à sa racine même, cette…
Post filed in: En français
COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE: Le Canada néglige les enfants autochtones, affirme un rapport conjoint de la Société de soutien et de KAIROS adressé à un comité des Nations unies
October 24, 2011
Pour diffusion immédiate le lundi 24 octobre 2011 OTTAWA – Les enfants autochtones sont victimes de négligence et d’abus, allant parfois jusqu’à la mort, à cause du non-respect par le Canada de ses engagements en vertu de la Convention de…
Post filed in: En français, Media Releases
Sommaire du rapport Les enfants à l’honneur
October 24, 2011
Sommaire du rapport Les enfants à l’honneur soumis par la Société de soutien à l’enfance et à la famille des Premières nations et KAIROS : Initiatives œcuméniques canadiennes pour la justice Octobre 2011 « Beaucoup trop longtemps, les espoirs et les…
Post filed in: En français
Honouring the Children: Executive Summary
October 24, 2011
For the full version of “Honoring the Children” click here >> Executive Summary of “Honouring the Children” submitted by First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada and KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives October 2011 “For far too…
Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Indigenous Rights
Honouring the Children: Report
October 24, 2011
The Interim Report of the Canadian Government’s Standing Committee on the Status of Women states: “[C]hildren often come into the care of child and family services not for abuse, but rather because their families are unable to provide the necessities…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights
MEDIA RELEASE: Canada Fails Indigenous Children Says Joint Report to United Nations Committee by Caring Society and KAIROS
October 24, 2011
For Immediate Release Monday, October 24, 2011 (Ottawa) Indigenous children face neglect, abuse and sometimes death as a result of Canada’s failure to live up to its obligations under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. This…
Post filed in: Media Releases
A welcome to Penelakut Island part 2
October 24, 2011
Later that afternoon, we asked Jill and her sister Valerie if we could visit a village site that had been on the front lines of colonization. We took a tour of the island, winding up on a muddy road that…
Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Indigenous Rights
A welcome to Penelakut Island part 1
October 24, 2011
(A perspective on settler and Indigenous relationships in the Gulf Islands, including Penelakut, is offered by award-winning author Terry Glavin in the article This Haunted Place. Terry has for many years written about the Indigenous history and ongoing resistance that…
Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Indigenous Rights
AVIS AUX MÉDIAS: Conférence de presse pour la publication d’un rapport saisissant adressé à l’ONU sur la façon dont le Canada néglige les enfants autochtones
October 21, 2011
Pour diffusion immédiate / Toronto AVIS AUX MÉDIAS le jeudi 20 octobre 2011 QUI : La Société de soutien à l’enfance et à la famille des Premières nations du Canada (Société de soutien) et KAIROS : Initiatives œcuméniques canadiennes pour la…
Post filed in: En français, Media Releases
MEDIA ADVISORY: News Conference to Launch Powerful UN Submission on How Canada is Failing Indigenous Children
October 21, 2011
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MEDIA ADVISORY October 21, 2011 WHO: The First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada (Caring Society) and KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives (KAIROS) on the launch of their joint submission to the United Nations Committee…
Post filed in: Media Releases
Living Courage in Vancouver
October 21, 2011
After a beautiful ferry ride from Victoria, we were warmly received and hosted in Vancouver. This warmth and support continued throughout our stay. The public event on Saturday at St. Michael’s Anglican Church drew a diverse crowd of about 60…
Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage
Les femmes de courage: les recommandations au gouvernement du Canada
October 20, 2011
Le Canada se doit de promouvoir le rôle des femmes dans la consolidation de la paix et la défense des droits humains. Les femmes sont affectées d’une manière disproportionnée par la violence et le militarisme; mais elles apportent des perspectives…
Post filed in: En français
Women of Courage: Recommendations to the Canadian Government
October 20, 2011
Canada’s responsibility in advancing women’s roles in peacebuilding and defending human rights “Women are disproportionately affected by violence and militarism; yet women bring unique perspectives and strategies in helping communities and nations put an end to violence. They work tirelessly…
Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage
Representing Rebecca Nyagai Kafi
October 20, 2011
Sermon, Vancouver Chinese Presbyterian Church, 16 October 2011 (Pastor Morgan Wong of Vancouver Chinese Presbyterian Church had invited Rebecca Nyagai Kafi of the Sudan Council of Churches to preach at the English and Chinese services in his church. When Rebecca…
Post filed in: Africa, Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Middle East
Charting a Road Map to a Sustainable Future: Making Critical Choices
October 19, 2011
KAIROS’ Sustainability team brings together our global economic justice and ecological justice program areas, and integrates components of our partnerships and education work. That’s a big portfolio, and the staff team thought that some kind of framework would be useful…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
Analyse stratégique No.28 – Durban: dernier espoir pour le monde d’éviter le désastre climatique?
October 19, 2011
« Notre Mère la Terre est malade. Le modèle de développement axé sur une croissance économique et une surconsommation illimitées a rompu l’équilibre entre les humains et l’environnement. Les propositions ap-portées à la table des négociations ne suffiront pas à…
Post filed in: En français
Living Courage in Victoria
October 18, 2011
By Glenys Verhulst Glenys Verhulst is a volunteer with the Victoria Philippines Solidarity Group, a small, grassroots organization that seeks to raise awareness about and seek justice for human rights issues that link Victoria and the Philippines, including mining and…
Post filed in: Africa, Gender Justice/Women of Courage
Jill Harris on visiting Penelakut Island with Chantal
October 14, 2011
BY JILL HARRIS As I told different stories from personal experience and from what I had witnessed, Chantal agreed that many of these were similar to stories in her context. The visit by KAIROS’ Women of Courage, Living Courage tour was…
Post filed in: Africa, Gender Justice/Women of Courage
AVIS AUX MÉDIAS: Femmes de courage – une tournée de KAIROS
October 13, 2011
Pour diffusion immédiate le mercredi 12 octobre 2011 TORONTO – KAIROS : Initiatives canadiennes oecuméniques pour la justice (KAIROS) lance la tournée Vif Courage, tournée présentant des femmes qui militent pour les droits humains, afin de sensibiliser la population aux…
Post filed in: En français, Media Releases