Media Releases

KAIROS’ unionized staff go national!

June 5, 2024

Local 4557 has represented KAIROS’ workers (non-management) since the organization’s beginning. KAIROS’ and the Local’s first collective agreement was ratified in April 2003.  CUPE – which stands for the Canadian Union of Public Employees – is Canada’s largest union, representing…

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Media Release:Canadian church leaders walk to Parliament Hill for sustained Gaza ceasefire, May 22

May 21, 2024

(Unceded Algonquin Territory [Ottawa, ON]) – In a call for a lasting and just peace in the Middle East, leaders from several national churches will converge on Parliament Hill on May 22, at the end of a Week of Action…

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Communiqué de Presse:Des dirigeant·e·s d’Églises canadiennes marchent vers la Colline du Parlement pour réclamer un cessez-le-feu durable à Gaza, le 22 mai

May 21, 2024

(Territoire algonquin non cédé [Ottawa, ON]) – Dans un appel à une paix juste et durable au Moyen-Orient, des dirigeantes de plusieurs Églises nationales convergeront vers la Colline du Parlement le 22 mai, à la fin d’une semaine d’action qui…

Post filed in: Media Releases

Media advisory: National church leaders gather on Parliament Hill tomorrow

May 21, 2024

(Unceded Algonquin Territory [Ottawa, ON]) – Across Canada, congregations and communities of faith are mobilizing for a just peace in Palestine and Israel by participating in local pilgrimages – walking or rolling together for all or part of 41 kilometres,…

Post filed in: Media Releases

Avis aux médias: Les responsables d’églises nationales se réunissent demain sur la Colline du Parlement

May 21, 2024

(Territoire algonquin non cédé [Ottawa, ON]). Partout au Canada, des congrégations et des communautés de foi se mobilisent pour une paix juste en Palestine et en Israël en participant à des pèlerinages locaux – en marchant ou en roulant ensemble…

Post filed in: Media Releases

Avis aux médias: Les dirigeants des Églises nationales délivrent un message de paix sur Gaza à la Tribune de la presse nationale, le 22 mai

May 16, 2024

(Territoire algonquin non cédé [Ottawa, ON]). Des dirigeants d’Églises canadiennes se rendront sur la Colline du Parlement le 22 mai pour exhorter les parlementaires à soutenir la construction d’une paix durable en Palestine et en Israël. Ils font partie d’un…

Post filed in: Media Releases

Media advisory: National church leaders deliver peace message on Gaza at National Press Gallery, May 22

May 16, 2024

(Unceded Algonquin Territory [Ottawa, ON]) – Canadian church leaders will arrive on Parliament Hill on May 22 to urge Parliamentarians to support sustainable peacebuilding in Palestine and Israel. They are part of a cross Canada movement of churches calling for…

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Media release: Canadian church leaders walk to Parliament Hill for sustained Gaza ceasefire, May 22

May 8, 2024

(Unceded Algonquin Territory [Ottawa, ON]) – In a call for a lasting and just peace in the Middle East, leaders from several national churches will converge on Parliament Hill on May 22, at the end of a Week of Action…

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Communiqué de Presse: Des dirigeant·e·s d’Églises canadiennes marchent vers la Colline du Parlement pour réclamer un cessez-le-feu durable à Gaza, le 22 mai

May 8, 2024

(Territoire algonquin non cédé [Ottawa, ON]) – Dans un appel à une paix juste et durable au Moyen-Orient, des dirigeant·e·s de plusieurs Églises nationales convergeront vers la Colline du Parlement le 22 mai, à la fin d’une semaine d’action qui…

Post filed in: Media Releases

Press Advisory: National church leaders bring Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimages to Parliament Hill on May 22

May 1, 2024

(Unceded Algonquin Territory [Ottawa, ON]) – Across Canada, congregations and communities of faith are mobilizing for a just peace in Palestine and Israel by participating in local pilgrimages – walking or rolling together for all or part of 41 kilometres,…

Post filed in: Media Releases, Middle East

Avis aux médias : Les dirigeantes des églises nationales amènent les pèlerinages pour le cessez-le-feu à Gaza sur la Colline du Parlement le 22 mai

May 1, 2024

(Territoire algonquin non cédé [Ottawa, ON]). Partout au Canada, des congrégations et des communautés de foi se mobilisent en faveur d’une paix juste en Palestine et en Israël en participant à des pèlerinages locaux, en marchant ou en roulant ensemble…

Post filed in: En français, Media Releases, Middle East

Leah Reesor-Keller named Transitional Executive Director at KAIROS

April 3, 2024

(Toronto – Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit) – The KAIROS Steering Committee is happy to announce that Leah Reesor-Keller, KAIROS’ Interim Executive Director, has accepted an offer to extend her time with KAIROS Canada for an additional…

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KAIROS Climate Action Week calls for prioritizing Global South voices at COP28

November 7, 2023

KAIROS Canada launches its third 2023 Climate Action Week, November 13-19,  co-sponsored by For the Love of Creation  (Toronto – Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit) – In the lead up to the 28th Conference of the Parties of…

Post filed in: Climate Action Week, Media Releases

Des femmes bâtisseuses de paix dans le Sud se rendront à Montréal, du 2 au 3 octobre 2023

September 21, 2023

Les partenaires mondiaux de KAIROS Femmes, Paix et Sécurité parleront de l’autonomisation des impacts du programme financé par le Canada, dans le cadre d’une tournée nationale (Montréal – St Lawrence Iroquois, Kanien’kehá:ka, Territoire des Mohawks et Hurons-Wendat) – La Congrégation…

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Women Global South peacebuilders to visit Montreal, 2-3 October 2023

September 21, 2023

KAIROS’ Women, Peace and Security global partners will speak to empowering impacts of Canadian funded program, part of cross-country tour  (Montreal – St Lawrence Iroquois, Kanien’kehá:ka, Mohawk & Huron-Wendat Territory) – Congregation of Notre Dame will host peacebuilders from women-led…

Post filed in: Media Releases

Women Global South peacebuilders to visit Ottawa, Oct. 2-6

September 18, 2023

KAIROS’ Women, Peace and Security global partners will speak to empowering impacts of Canadian funded program, part of cross-country tour  (Ottawa – Algonquin Territory) – KAIROS Ottawa will host peacebuilders from women-led grassroots organizations from Colombia, Palestine, South Sudan and…

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Women Global South peacebuilders to visit Canadians this fall

September 7, 2023

Disponible en françaisDisponible en espagñol KAIROS’ Women, Peace and Security global partners will speak to empowering impacts of Canadian funded program, September 25-October 6  (Toronto – Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit) – With Canada’s assistance, KAIROS Canada’s…

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KAIROS Climate Action Week calls for rapid phase out of fossil fuels

August 30, 2023

KAIROS Canada launches its second Climate Action Week, September 11-17, focused on keeping the oil in the soil and letting justice and peace flow  (Toronto – Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit) – As Canada and the world…

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Canada recognizes KAIROS partner for gender, climate and peace work

June 14, 2023

Global Affairs Canada awards Organización Femenina Popular during the second annual Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Awards Ceremony (Toronto – Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit) – KAIROS is thrilled to announce that Global Affairs Canada (GAC) awarded…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Gender Justice, Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Global South, Latin America, Media Releases, Social Justice

Climate webinar brings together Indigenous and Global South perspectives

May 31, 2023

Climate Action Dialogues webinar featured during KAIROS’ first Climate Action Week  WHAT – Webinar: Climate Action Dialogues: Indigenous and Global South Perspectives on Just Transition  WHY – This webinar will be the featured event of KAIROS’ first Climate Action Week,…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Media Releases

How my trip to Egypt for COP27 brought me a deeper connection to my land, my culture and myself

December 1, 2022

I wasn’t sure COP27 was for me, until key experiences showed me I belonged. I have never been good at saying no. So when I heard of an opportunity to attend this fall’s UN COP27 climate summit, I jumped at…

Post filed in: COP27, Ecological Justice, Media Releases

KAIROS is restructuring!

November 4, 2022

As those who have walked along with us for many years know, KAIROS has a long and rich history of being a joint-venture ecumenical program administered by the United Church of Canada. Ten participating member denominations and religious organizations are involved in…

Post filed in: Media Releases, Statements

Une délégation de partenaires autochtones, jeunesse et femmes du Canada et du Sud se rend à la COP27

October 31, 2022

KAIROS et Pour l’amour de la création envoient 10 délégués en Égypte pour demander que leurs voix soient entendues Ottawa (territoire algonquin non cédé), le 26 octobre 2022. – KAIROS et Pour l’amour de la Création (FLC) envoient 10 délégués à la Conférence…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice, En français, Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Indigenous Rights, Media Releases

Delegación de representantes indígenas, de jóvenes y de mujeres de Canadá y del Sur Global rumbo a la COP 27

October 31, 2022

Con el auspicio de KAIROS y la iniciativa For the Love of Creation, un grupo de 10 personas se dirige a Egipto para exigir que se les escuche (Ottawa: terrritorio del Pueblo Algonquin) – KAIROS y la iniciativa For the…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice, En Español, Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Indigenous Rights, Media Releases

Indigenous, youth and women delegates from Canada and Global South head to COP27

October 31, 2022

KAIROS and For the Love of Creation are sending 10 delegates to Egypt to demand their voices be heard (Ottawa: Unceded Algonquin Territory) – KAIROS and For the Love of Creation (FLC) are sending 10 delegates to the United Nations…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Indigenous Rights, Media Releases

Presentación de delegación a COP 27 de Canadá y Sur Global el 3 de noviembre

October 27, 2022

Participantes de delegación de KAIROS y For the Love of Creation se presentarán en un seminario virtual de dos horas para amplificar su mensaje exigiendo ser parte de la toma de decisiones que afectan el clima y las personas. (Ottawa:…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice, En Español, Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Indigenous Rights, Media Releases

Le 3 novembre, pleins feux sur les délégués du Canada et des pays du Sud à la COP27

October 27, 2022

La délégation de 10 membres de KAIROS et de Pour l’amour de la création est présentée dans un webinaire de deux heures pour mieux faire entendre la revendication des organismes d’obtenir une place à la table de décision sur le climat…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice, En français, Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Indigenous Rights, Media Releases

KAIROS Blanket Exercise goes global in Australia, Sept 28

September 15, 2022

Internationally coordinated Blanket Exercise at World Indigenous Peoples’ Conference on Education  (Toronto – Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit) – An internationally coordinated participatory exercise that highlights the impacts of colonization from Indigenous peoples’ perspectives will be presented…

Post filed in: Indigenous Rights, Media Releases