Members & Steering Committee

The Anglican Church of Canada
Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace
Canadian Religious Conference
Christian Reformed Church in North America (Canada Corporation)
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
Mennonite Central Committee of Canada
The Presbyterian Church in Canada
The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF)
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
The United Church of Canada

Ryan Weston, Steering Committee Chair

Ryan Weston

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Bio coming Soon
Reverend Marianne Emig Carr

Rev. Marianne Emig Carr

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Rev. Marianne Emig Carr is the minister at the Brockville-Caintown Pastoral Charge. serving both First Presbyterian Church (“FPC”), Brockville, and St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Caintown, Ontario. Prior to being ordained, Marianne was a corporate lawyer for 19 years at General Motors of Canada.

In addition to her ministerial duties, Marianne has been deeply involved in the refugee sponsorship efforts in Brockville and area. She is also a member of the Presbyterian Church in Canada’s Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations Standing Committee.

Marianne lives on the traditional territory of the Huron-Wendat, Anishnaabe, Haudenosaunee, and St. Lawrence Iroquoian peoples. She has two adult children, Elizabeth and Patrick Munro, and is married to the Rev. Barry Carr, minister at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Kingston.

Trevor Morrison

Trevor Morrison, CAPA

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Trevor is from the House (Wilps) of Niisto of the Ganeda (Big Frog) clan of the Gitxsan Nation. He has over 30 years of knowledge and experience in financial and administrative management with the Gitxsan Nation. He has expanded his capacity into business through executive education at the Harvard Business School in Boston, MA, and has obtained his designation as a Certified aboriginal Professional Administration (CAPA) and continues to pursue his MBA at Cape Breton University. He is currently the Chief Executive Officer for the Lake Babine Nation. He held a Band Administrator position for the Gitsegukla First Nation. He held Chief Executive Officer positions for the Kyah Development Corporation and Sqewqel Development Corporation. He has extensive Director experience being the Vice President of the Aboriginal Financial Officers of BC, Board of Givernors of the University of Northern BC, Director of the Aboriginal Housing Management Association, Committee member of the Kairos Canada, Steering Committee, and Director of the BC First Nation Gaming Revenue Sharing GP. He also brings the traditional knowledge and values that can build capacity and progress a First Nation community or organization in all sectors including business.

Trevor Scott

Trevor Scott, s.j.

Roman Catholic priest with the Society of Jesus.

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Trevor Scott, sj, was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in 2013 with the Society of Jesus. After his theological studies at Toronto’s Regis College in the Autumn of 2014, Trevor was assigned to work in the Ignatian spirituality apostolate. His ministry in the spirituality apostolate consisted in creating and conducting Ignatian based retreats and spirituality workshops, as well as providing spiritual direction to individual people. Trevor also served as the Ecclesial Assistant to the Christian Life Community (CLC) of Canada – an international lay religious association whose members strive to live out the Ignatian charism in their daily lives; and was the Jesuit liaison to the Atlantic Association of the Spiritual Exercises Apostolate (AASEA) – an association of lay spiritual directors in the Ignatian tradition. In September 2019, Trevor attended his Tertianship year in Dublin, Ireland. This is a year of reflective formation as a means of preparing for final religious vows. Upon his return to Canada in 2020 Trevor has been with the Jesuit Forum for Social Faith and Justice in Toronto as Assistant for Ignatian Identity and Mission / Facilitation Co-Ordinator. In 2023 Trevor also began
teaching at Regis College / University or Toronto as a sessional professor in the area of spirituality and culture.

Paul Gehrs

Rev. Paul Gehrs

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

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Rev. Paul Gehrs lives on Treaty One Territory in Winnipeg, MB. He is married to Melanie Whyte and they have two adult children. Paul serves as Assistant to the Bishop, Justice and Leadership for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC).

ray jones

Ray Jones

Indigenous Presence

Diwa Marcelino

Diwa Marcelino

Member-at-Large, Migrant Justice

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Diwa Marcelino is a migrant rights activist and organizer with Migrante Manitoba – a non-profit organization that advocates for the rights and welfare of migrant workers. He is also a member of the United for Mining Justice, a network of United Church of Canada members and allies working for just extractive sector laws and practices and for an accountable Canadian mining industry.

Rev. Dr. Japhet Ndhlovu

Rev. Dr. Japhet Ndhlovu

The United Church of Canada / L’Église Unie du Canada

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Born and educated in Zambia, Ireland and South Africa, resident in Canada- Toronto currently serving as a Global Program Coordinator for global partnerships in Church and mission Unit responsible for the Philippines, India, Angola, Zimbabwe and Zambia.

Previously served as an Ordained Minister for the Epworth Pastoral Charge in Newfoundland.

Previously served as General Secretary for the Council of Churches in Zambia, Executive staff at the All Africa Conference of Churches based in Nairobi, Senior lecturer and Head of Theology Department at the Presbyterian University of East Africa, National Moderator of the Reformed Church in Zambia among other senior managerial positions.

Japhet’s personal vision is to be a transformative agent and a facilitator by building bridges that liberate and unite voices of sacred defiance. While transforming history, he seeks to share his Christian faith by actively getting engaged in transforming history and working to end oppression by instigating, inspiring, and participating in acts of justice. He believes in life before death.

Ruth Plett

Senior Director of Equity and Domestic Program, MCC Canada

Luke Stocking

Luke Stocking

Development and Peace – Caritas Canada

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Luke was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada but grew up on a 50 acre farm in a town called Uxbridge.

Today, he works for Development and Peace – Caritas Canada, the international solidarity movement of the Catholic Church in Canada. Luke was first involved with the movement as a high school student at the age of 16, when Development & Peace had a special campaign to end sweatshop labour.

He joined the staff of the organization in November 2006 as the Central Ontario Animator. He served in that role for 12 years, working to inspire, educate and organize Canadian Catholics and all people of good will to bring the Gospel Call to international solidarity to life. He has led trips for volunteer members to Zambia, the Philippines, Paraguay and Ethiopia.

Today he is the Director of Public Engagement.

Luke has a Master of Arts in Theology from St. Michael’s at the University of Toronto with a focus on Catholic Social Teaching.

He is happily married with two children and lives in the Junction neighbourhood of Toronto. He sees himself as blessed to be able to support his family while living his vocation, which is living and giving witness to the social justice message of the Catholic Faith.

Donna Wilkinson

Donna Wilkinson

Presbyterian World Service and Development

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I live in Regina were I manage a group home for individuals with autism. I represent Presbyterian World Service and Development on the steering committee. In my spare time I spend time with family, camping, kayaking and reading.

Pat Carter

Pat Carter, csj

Congregation of St. Joseph of Sault Ste. Marie

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I am a disciple, a teacher and an advocate for the poor. I have been a Sister of St. Joseph for more than forty years and love to use words to inspire faith and laughter.

Cindy Stover

Cindy Stover

Christian Reformed Church in North America

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Cindy serves as the Justice Mobilization Program Manager for the Christian Reformed Church in North America. In this role, she supports Canadian churches and communities through learning experiences, relationship building, and resource development with a concentration on advocacy, Indigenous justice, climate care, and refugee justice. She holds a Master’s Degree of Theology in Urban and International Development from Wycliffe College at the University of Toronto, and still finds great delight in using post-it notes and smelly markers for participatory learning. Having grown up in Northern Canada, she is a country girl at heart, but also loves her close-knit neighbourhood in downtown Hamilton ON, where she is a part of Eucharist Church, a worshipping community that seeks to find creative ways to practice hospitality in the city. Cindy seeks to empower people to bear the image of Creator God as we enact justice in every area of our lives, from how we shop, to how we talk to our neighbours, to how our communities respond to the most vulnerable. She can often be found reading a good book around a campfire, or watching a BBC miniseries with her two cats and a cup of tea. Her favourite colour is sparkle.

Dick Cotterill

Dick Cotterill

Quaker on SC

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Dick was born in 1950 in Ithaca, New York and grew up on a nearby dairy farm. In 1972 he immigrated to Canada as a Vietnam era war resister. He settled in Nova Scotia, married and raised two sons while working at various jobs in agriculture, construction and forestry before starting a small family business in sales and service of outdoor power equipment. Dick is an active member of the Halifax Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). He is an Associate Member of the Canadian Friends Service Committee (CFSC), the peace and social justice agency of Quakers in Canada. He volunteers weekly at Nova Institution, the federal women’s prison located in Truro and is a member of the Kairos Indigenous Rights Circle (KIRC). Dick has been involved in the sport of Rugby Union Football for over 50 years as a player, coach, and administrator. Past volunteer activities include serving as manager of the Bible Hill Cemetery Company and as a director of Dismas Society, owner and operator of Laver’s House, Truro’s halfway house. Dick continues to live in Truro, Nova Scotia with his wife, Margie. His two sons, their wives and four grandchildren live nearby