Archive for 2006
KAIROS Briefing Paper #6: Free Trade at the Crossroads: Time For a New Approach
December 22, 2006
The Canadian government has committed to changing its approach to trade. As a first step to developing a new approach, it needs to look back on the failed experiments of the past decade of trade negotiations. This briefing paper calls…
Post filed in: Social Justice
KAIROS Briefing Paper #5: Measuring the Federal Government’s Commitment to Aboriginal Rights
December 17, 2006
The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples has been under development for more than 20 years, making it one of the most intensely debated and carefully scrutinized human rights instruments in UN history. Uniquely, the primary beneficiaries of the Declaration,…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights
KAIROS Briefing Paper #4: Bolivia Emulates Norway; Why Doesn’t Canada?
October 22, 2006
Bolivia’s nationalization of its petroleum industry actually replicates Norwegian policies well-known to the oil industry. In stark contrast, the Canadian experience reveals a trend in the opposite direction, especially with Tar Sands development. What lessons does the Bolivian experience hold for Canada?
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
KAIROS Briefing Paper #3: Will Democracy Take Root in the Congo?
October 21, 2006
This briefing paper highlights concrete steps that Canada can take toward ensuring peace and democracy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Elections are just the start. The international community, including Canada, needs to prioritize peace with justice in the…
Post filed in: Africa
KAIROS Briefing Paper #2: Will US debt lead to a financial crisis?
February 22, 2006
Former US Treasury Secretary Larry Summers warily compares the apparent calm on global financial markets to the tranquillity that preceded the crises of the 1990s. Today, the imbalances that threaten global financial stability are rooted in the USA’s burgeoning debt.
Post filed in: Uncategorized
KAIROS Briefing Paper #1: Canadian Security: Security for all of us
February 21, 2006
This briefing paper challenges current justifications for more restrictive immigration policies post 9-11, advocating for repeal of the Safe Third Country Agreement and improved protection of the rights of refugees and migrants.
Post filed in: Uncategorized