Archive for June 2010

The Economics of Sustainability

June 30, 2010

by John Dillon June 2010 Humans, and indeed all life forms, depend on the Earth’s ecosystem to sustain life. Without clean air, water, food, shelter and energy we cannot survive. This simple truth is so self-evident that it sounds trite…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice

Les voix ignorées

June 29, 2010

 La voix des peuples autochtones du Canada, celle des défenseurs des droits humains au Congo et en Colombie, celles des mères séropositives du Malawi et celle des insulaires du Pacifique, dont la hausse des eaux causée par les changements…

Post filed in: En français

Voices Unheard

June 28, 2010

June 28, 2010 Canada’s Indigenous peoples, threatened human rights workers in Congo and Colombia, HIV-infected mothers in Malawi, and Pacific Islanders whose homes and livelihoods are being destroyed by rising waters due to climate change —are among the strong articulate…

Post filed in: Indigenous Rights

What will be the fate of Canada’s Responsible Mining Bill?

June 28, 2010

When the House of Commons returns in September, one of the first things on the agenda will be Bill C-300, a private member’s bill designed to establish minimum standards for Canadian mining, oil and gas companies operating in developing countries….

Post filed in: Ecological Justice

KAIROS Times: June 2010

June 28, 2010

Read the June 2010 issue.

Post filed in: KAIROS Times E-Newsletter

Sustainability: Embodying an Ecological Worldview

June 27, 2010

Today the word “sustainability” can be heard on the lips of economists, environmentalists, politicians, and industrialists alike. Does “sustainability” mean the sam e thing to all of them? When economists talk about sustainable growth they are usually referring to the…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice

2010 Peoples’ Summit: Building a Movement for a Just World

June 21, 2010

From June 18 to June 20 people from all over the world came to Toronto for the 2010 Peoples’ Summit to talk with and learn from one another in this time leading up to the G20 Summit. They came because they…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice

The First National Event of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission

June 18, 2010

While Huntsville and Toronto gear up for the G8/G20, Winnipeg is hosting an event of comparable if not greater significance—the first National Event of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. For two days I have been at the forks of the…

Post filed in: Indigenous Rights

KAIROS commends new Amnesty International report revealing extent of oil and gas development on Lubicon Cree traditional territory

June 18, 2010

For decades, eleven churches and religious organizations have joined together in KAIROS to support the Lubicon Lake Cree in their struggle for recognition and justice.  In 2003, then-federal negotiator professor Bradford Morse said it was his intention to be the…

Post filed in: Indigenous Rights

Reflections on returning from the Eastern tour

June 18, 2010

We have just arrived back from the Eastern tour. It has been such a privilege to accompany Naty and Isaiah over last few days. They are both powerful and inspirational speakers, able to convey the devastating impacts of climate change…

Post filed in: Africa, Latin America

Eastern Tour: Fredericton – Climate change, cities and self-reliance

June 17, 2010

Yesterday we arrived at our last destination, Fredericton, New Brunswick. It was a beautiful, warm day. After lunch at the home of our friendly host, we headed to the picturesque University of New Brunswick radio station for an interview. I…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice

Western Tour: Yellowknife – No Ice on the Big Water

June 17, 2010

Yellowknife is on the northern shore of Great Slave Lake. Known as Tu Cho, or “Big Water” in Dene, it is the deepest lake in North America at 614 m, and the ninth-largest lake in the world, covering 27,200 km²….

Post filed in: Ecological Justice

KAIROS attending Truth and Reconciliation Commission national event in Winnipeg

June 16, 2010

KAIROS welcomes and honors the opening of the first national  event of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and hopes that all Canadians will engage in this profound opportunity to renew our nation in truth, reconciliation and justice. KAIROS…

Post filed in: Indigenous Rights

Western Tour: Victoria – “Cochabamba in the Garden City”

June 16, 2010

Susan Draper, KAIROS’ BC-Yukon Regional Coordinator, sent us the following thoughts from the G20 Climate Justice Tour town hall discussion that took place in Victoria on Monday, June 14. I rejoice in the fact that 90 people from the city…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice

Western Tour: Yellowknife – Land of the Midnight Sun

June 16, 2010

At this time of year the sun literally never sets in Yellowknife and after a long, cold, dark winter it’s easy to understand why people may shun indoor events. Nevertheless, on Tuesday night a committed group of people chose to…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice

Eastern Tour: Halifax – “The Little Changes We Make ARE Important”

June 15, 2010

Early this morning we left St. John’s amidst a rain storm that luckily did not keep us from Halifax. I was sad to leave, as we had received such a warm welcome from the Presentation Sisters who had provided us…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice

‘Climate change hurts Third World: advocates’ – The Telegram, St. John’s

June 15, 2010

“During a town hall meeting at the Lantern in St. John’s Monday evening, two people living in Third World countries gave first-hand experience of the devastation climate change is having on their…” For those who have a subscription to The…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice

Eastern Tour: St. John’s – Make It Right

June 14, 2010

The eastern leg of the “Not Business as Usual” tour kicked off in my home province of Newfoundland with a walk on the rocky beach at Middle Cove, a meal of fish and chips in Beachy Cove and a day…

Post filed in: Africa, Ecological Justice, Latin America

COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE – Lancement le 14 juin de la tournée pancanadienne KAIROS « Le G20 et la justice en matière de climat »

June 14, 2010

Occasions de photos Destinataires : Éditeurs environnement, affaires étrangères, affaires, religion Toronto/Pour publication immédiate Le jeudi 10 juin 2010 QUI : KAIROS-Initiatives œcuméniques canadiennes pour la justice, en collaboration avec la Coalition canadienne des jeunes pour le climat et le…

Post filed in: En français, Media Releases

MEDIA ADVISORY – KAIROS Cross-Canada G20 Climate Justice Tour Comes to Regina

June 14, 2010

Photo Opportunities Attention:     Environment, Foreign Affairs, Business, and Religion Editors Regina, SK/For Immediate Release                             Friday, June 11, 2010 WHO:           KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives in conjunction with the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition and the Council of Canadians presents KAIROS Southern and…

Post filed in: Media Releases

MEDIA ADVISORY – KAIROS Cross-Canada G20 Climate Justice Tour Comes to St. John’s

June 14, 2010

Photo Opportunities Attention:     Environment, Foreign Affairs, Business, and Religion Editors St. John’s, NL/For Immediate Release                         Friday, June 11, 2010 WHO:           KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives in conjunction with the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition and the Council of Canadians presents KAIROS Southern…

Post filed in: Media Releases

MEDIA ADVISORY – KAIROS Cross-Canada G20 Climate Justice Tour Comes to Fredericton

June 14, 2010

Photo Opportunities Attention:     Environment, Foreign Affairs, Business, and Religion Editors Fredericton, NB/For Immediate Release                      Friday, June 11, 2010 WHO:           KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives in conjunction with the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition and the Council of Canadians presents KAIROS Southern…

Post filed in: Media Releases

MEDIA ADVISORY – KAIROS Cross-Canada G20 Climate Justice Tour Comes to Halifax

June 14, 2010

Photo Opportunities Attention:     Environment, Foreign Affairs, Business, and Religion Editors Halifax, NS /   For Immediate Release                         Monday, June 14, 2010 WHO:           KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives in conjunction with the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition and the Council of Canadians presents KAIROS…

Post filed in: Media Releases

Western Tour: Richmond, Vancouver and “the liquid continent”

June 14, 2010

Good afternoon, although it’s still very much morning here in Victoria. Francois Pihaatae, Ecumenical Animator on Climate Change for the Pacific Conference of Churches and one of KAIROS’ Southern partners, and I are travelling on the Western leg of our…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice

How Big is the BP Oil Slick? Bringing the Scale of the Disaster Home

June 14, 2010

o gain some sense of the magnitude of the BP oil spill, an interactive map provided by the Toronto Star ( allows users to superimpose the spill onto their own home town. This is a shocking experience. If you live…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice

MEDIA ADVISORY – KAIROS Cross-Canada G20 Climate Justice Tour Launches

June 10, 2010

Photo Opportunities KAIROS Cross-Canada G20 Climate Justice Tour Launches June 14 Attention: Environment, Foreign Affairs, Business, and Religion Editors Toronto/For Immediate Release Thursday, June 10, 2010 WHO: KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives in conjunction with the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition…

Post filed in: Media Releases

MEDIA ADVISORY: G20 Climate Justice Tour

June 10, 2010

MEDIA ADVISORY Photo Opportunities KAIROS Cross-Canada G20 Climate Justice Tour Launches June 14 Attention: Environment, Foreign Affairs, Business, and Religion Editors Toronto/For Immediate Release Thursday, June 10, 2010 WHO: KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives in conjunction with the Canadian Youth…

Post filed in: Media Releases

KAIROS condamne l’assaut et la tuerie de personnes à bord de la Flottille de la liberté en route vers Gaza

June 9, 2010

KAIROS se joint aux Églises et aux personnes de partout à travers le monde qui ont condamné l’assaut et la tuerie de personnes innocentes à bord du convoi humanitaire qui se rendait à la Bande de Gaza. Le 31 mai,…

Post filed in: En français