Archive for July 2018
Grassroots feminist initiatives for peace in post-agreement Colombia
July 30, 2018
In the Magdalena Medio region of Colombia, where the Organización Femenina Popular (Popular Feminist Organization or OFP) operates, a climate of political uncertainty, social insecurity, and economic precarity prevails. While the signing of the Final Peace Agreement—unprecedented in its inclusion…
Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Latin America
Indigenous and Newcomer Friendships: Building relationships of solidarity
July 25, 2018
Guests of the Festival of Faith were invited to participate in a workshop presented by Alfredo Barahona and Dawn Maracle that shared experiences with the KAIROS Blanket Exercise and the KAIROS project, Indigenous and Newcomer Friendships for a Just and Inclusive Community. While…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights
Letter to the Editor: Investing in peace will reduce need for defence spending
July 18, 2018
Re: “NATO or not, Canadian defence spending should rise,” (The Hill Times, July 11, p.8). As the government considers an increase in defence spending, I hope it will also invest in effective peacebuilding efforts in the world’s most vulnerable regions….
Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage
Trailblazer: Iron and Earth
July 18, 2018
Towards a Renewable Energy Economy Fossil fuel extraction creates a boom and bust cycle for the economy. Nowhere is this truer than in Canada, where workers in the oil, gas and coal industry are starting to look to renewable energy…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice