Archive for 2012
KAIROS joins the cry for an end to violence in Syria
September 7, 2012
KAIROS joins the global cry for an end to the violence in Syria, for dialogue between the warring parties, and for a just peace for the Syrian people. KAIROS echoes the call of the World Council of Churches for an…
Post filed in: Middle East
Spirited Reflection: Somewhat Unexpectedly
September 5, 2012
On August 27th, somewhat unexpectedly, the Colombian government announced its willingness to restart peace talks with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), offering a glimmer of hope on the horizon after 60 years of protracted conflict. Our partners’ response, as…
Post filed in: Spirited Reflections
Good News: Colombian government to restart peace talks with the FARC
August 30, 2012
After years of pressing the government and guerrilla movements to start new peace talks, Colombian churches and civil society groups welcomed the news on Monday, August 27that the Colombian government and one of the guerrilla armies (the Revolutionary Armed Forces…
Post filed in: Latin America
KAIROS Co-Hosts ‘First Voices! First Women Speak!’: A gathering to honour Indigenous women’s knowledge and perspectives on violence, restoration and resurgence
August 28, 2012
On August 24 KAIROS and the Indigenous People’s Solidarity Movement Ottawa (IPSMO), gathered over 100 people at the Odawa Native Friendship Centre in Ottawa for a community teach-in featuring renowned Indigenous scholars, writers and artists Lee Maracle, Leanne Betasamosake Simpson, Moe…
Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage
Rev. David Kim-Cragg’s Journal from the Pelican Narrows TRC hearings
August 14, 2012
Rev. David Kim-Cragg is a United Church minister in a congregation in Saskatoon, SK and is involved in Saskatchewan Conference’s Justice and Right Relations network. He and his eight year old son Noah went to the Pelican Narrows Truth and…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights
Journal of my truth and reconciliation adventure to Pelican Narrows
August 14, 2012
Noah has given us permission to share his journal. He and his dad David went to TRC community hearings in Pelican Narrows in northern Saskatchewan in the winter of 2012. David’s reflections are in a separate post. By Noah Kim-Cragg,…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
Truth, Reconciliation, Forgiveness and Moving Beyond Event, by Hazel Jardine
August 14, 2012
Hazel is a founding member of the Fort Qu’Appelle, SK KAIROS group, which has been going strong for over 25 years. She is an author, mother and activist and is now an elder in the KAIROS community. Fort Qu’Appelle has…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights
The United Church: Apologies offered in Fort Qu’Appelle SK
August 14, 2012
John Bird, Program Coordinator for Aboriginal Justice and Right Relations at the national United Church of Canada writes, “Sue Bland is Saskatchewan Conference’s “part-time” staff person supporting the Conference’s Justice and Right Relations group, a wonderful gathering of Indigenous and…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights
The United Church Moderator reflects on reconciliation from local to national
August 14, 2012
Mardi Tindal was the Moderator, or elected leader, of the United Church of Canada from August 2009 through August 2012. Her term coincided with the opening of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and since the United Church and its predecessor…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights
Rev John Whyte’s reflections on Saskatoon
August 14, 2012
Rev. John Whyte is a United Church minister in Regina, SK and was present at the historic Truth and Reconciliation Commission national event in Saskatoon June 21-24 2012. Here are his personal reflections, shared with his congregation and shared here…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights, Spirited Reflections
Report on Living Courage Eastern Tour and TRC, June 5-25, 2012
August 13, 2012
KAIROS partners, Claudia Castellanos, from the Popular Feminist Organization (OFP) in Colombia, and Lucy Talgieh from Wi’am: Palestinian Conflict Resolution Center in Bethlehem, Occupied Palestinian Territories visited communities in Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Ontario and Saskatchewan during the Living Courage tour,…
Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Indigenous Rights, Latin America, Middle East
Economy of Life, Justice, and Peace for All: A Call to Action
August 13, 2012
In June 2012, the Global Forum on Poverty, Wealth and Ecology of the World Council of Churches (WCC) concluded with a strong call for action to build an “economy of life” that focuses on eradicating poverty, challenging wealth accumulation and…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
Reflections on the 40th Anniversary celebration of the Organización Feminina Popular (OFP) by Susan Ferguson
August 13, 2012
by Special Guest, Susan Ferguson I was privileged beyond measure to attend this celebration of the OFP, an organization which has been a partner of KAIROS and the Latin America coalitions that preceded it for more than a…
Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage
Solidarity and Support for the Indigenous communities in Northern Cauca, Colombia
July 30, 2012
KAIROS is concerned with the situation facing Indigenous communities in Northern Cauca, Colombia and in particular with the escalation of violence in recent weeks.
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights, Latin America
Expression of Reconciliation presented to the TRC by KAIROS Saskatoon
July 25, 2012
What better way to start a blog on examples of reconciliation and truth-telling than with an Expression of Reconciliation? These Expressions are part of every Truth and Reconciliation Commission national event, and can be offered by individuals, organizations, government bodies,…
Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage
Truth and Reconciliation Commission: Every story needs a listener
July 25, 2012
This blog is an invitation to you. Canada is in the midst of a national Truth and Reconciliation Commission on the Indian Residential Schools system, but many Canadians don’t know this, or may not feel this journey belongs to them….
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights
Migrant workers deserve to be treated with fairness and equity – Toronto Star Op-Ed
July 19, 2012
View article in Toronto Star The parking lot near St. Michael’s Church in Leamington is full but not with cars — with bicycles — the only mode of transportation most temporary foreign workers can afford. Many have ridden 30 minutes,…
Post filed in: Migrant Justice
Thank you from Colombia
July 17, 2012
July 13, 2012 Dear friends, Thank you so much for taking action to protect the lives of human rights defenders in the wake of the threats received last week. Your letters do make a difference and can save lives. Lilia…
Post filed in: Latin America
Ethical Reflections on the Northern Gateway Pipeline
July 13, 2012
In its Fall 2011 meeting, the KAIROS Ecumenical Circle of Collaboration on Sustainability identified the Northern Gateway pipeline as a topic of concern for the work on tar sands, energy, and climate change. Given its proposed route, the pipeline is…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Indigenous Rights, Spirited Reflections
Serious Threats to Human Rights Defenders & Partners in Colombia
July 9, 2012
KAIROS is extremely concerned about recent news of a serious death threat to human rights defenders and partners in Colombia. Thirteen human rights defenders—among them Lilia Solano of the Justice and Life Project, a KAIROS and United Church of Canada…
Post filed in: Latin America
KAIROS 2011 Rapport Annuel
July 3, 2012
Plus que jamais, le travail de KAIROS en 2011 s’est fait sous le signe de la créativité. Les compagnons et les communautés, membres de l’organisation et l’équipe de son personnel talentueux et dévoué ont collaboré à l’exécution d’un programme dynamique…
Post filed in: En français
Lucy’s Sermon – A Service for the World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel
July 3, 2012
Gower Street United Church, June 17, 2012 My name is Lucy Talgieh. I am a Palestinian Christian from a place called Bethlehem. Bethlehem is supposed to be a holy place but, unfortunately, it is facing unholy acts living under occupation…
Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage
Reflection on Living Courage in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia – by Sue Deschene
June 29, 2012
Thank you to KAIROS for bringing the “Women of Courage” tour to Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, on June 12 (and thanks to all who made this possible). By Sue Deschene, Shelburne Claudia, a human rights lawyer and advocate with the…
Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage
Motion Condemning Gender Violence and Rape in Conflict Receives Unanimous Support in House of Commons
June 25, 2012
Last month KAIROS joined human rights and women’s organizations and partners from around the world in endorsing the International Campaign to Stop Rape and Gender Violence in Conflict. Founded by the Nobel Women’s Initiative, the campaign calls on political leaders…
Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage
Spirited Reflection: Back to the Circle
June 22, 2012
Time and again it comes back to the circle. The first day of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Saskatchewan National Event begins with the lighting of the sacred fire and ends with a round dance. In her poem, “Reconciliation”, Rebeka…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights, Spirited Reflections
Policy Briefing Paper #31: Whose Green Economy
June 22, 2012
In the twenty years since the historic 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, calls for “sustainable development” have been heard over and over again. Governments, corporations and civil society groups have all used the term, each in its own…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
Spirited Reflection: Living out our faith
June 22, 2012
We sat in a circle. Lucy from Palestine, Claudia from Colombia, Jill from Penelakut First Nation, members of KAIROS Saskatoon, Regina and Swift Current, and many others from church and community. The topic was women of courage – women human…
Post filed in: Spirited Reflections
Living Courage in South Brook, Newfoundland – Of Jigg’s dinner, Music, Laughter and Hope
June 19, 2012
I knew it was going to be an extraordinary event the minute we turned off the high way into South Brook, a community of 500. Hope Rowsell was waiting for us in the parking lot of the convenience store and…
Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage