KAIROS Co-Hosts ‘First Voices! First Women Speak!’: A gathering to honour Indigenous women’s knowledge and perspectives on violence, restoration and resurgence

Lee Maracle

Lee Maracle

On August 24 KAIROS and the Indigenous People’s Solidarity Movement Ottawa (IPSMO), gathered over 100 people at the Odawa Native Friendship Centre in Ottawa for a community teach-in featuring renowned Indigenous scholars, writers and artists Lee Maracle, Leanne Betasamosake Simpson, Moe Clarke and Vera Wabegijig.

Algonquin elder Claudette Commanda opened the day by welcoming participants to the territory. Viola Thomas of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission was MC.

A highlight of the day was Lee Maracle`s presentation on the connection between violence against the earth and violence against women. In the discussion circles that followed, participants reflected on the difficulty and importance of connecting to the land and how this relates to the way we interact with each other.  The afternoon closed with a round-dance and feast.

In the evening, Leanne Betasamosake Simpson launched her book, Dancing on our Turtle’s Back: Stories of Nishnaabeg Re-Creation, Resurgence, and a New Emergence.

Leanne Simpson

Leanne Simpson

Participants described the day as memorable, inspiring and rejuvenating and the intention is to continue the conversation and strengthen connections through an online forum.

For more information please contact Katy Quinn at kquinn@kairoscanada.org or 613.235.9956 ext 224.

Filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage

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