Economy of Life, Justice, and Peace for All: A Call to Action

In June 2012, the Global Forum on Poverty, Wealth and Ecology of the World Council of Churches (WCC) concluded with a strong call for action to build an “economy of life” that focuses on eradicating poverty, challenging wealth accumulation and safeguarding ecological integrity.  The forum took place in Bogor, Indonesia, with more than one hundred participants from around the world, including KAIROS Economic Justice Coordinator John Dillon.

“An economy of life is not only possible, it is in the making, and justice lies at its very foundation,” reads the statement. “The realization of an economy of life will entail a range of strategies and methodologies, including, but not limited to: critical self-reflection and radical spiritual renewal; rights-based approaches; the creation and multiplication of spaces for the voices of the marginalized.”

As part of a theological affirmation, the statement points out that “greed and injustice” are the root causes of intertwined crises. It goes on to say that the “crisis is therefore a deep moral and existential one. The challenges that are posed are not first and foremost technological and financial, but ethical and spiritual.”

Read the full statement here:

The statement will make a contribution to the upcoming 10th Assembly of the WCC and its theme, “God of life, lead us to justice and peace.” The assembly will take place next year in Busan, Korea.

Source: The World Council of Churches

Filed in: Ecological Justice

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