Motion Condemning Gender Violence and Rape in Conflict Receives Unanimous Support in House of Commons

Stop Rape in Conflict logoLast month KAIROS joined human rights and women’s organizations and partners from around the world in endorsing the International Campaign to Stop Rape and Gender Violence in Conflict.  Founded by the Nobel Women’s Initiative, the campaign calls on political leaders to end rape and sexual violence in conflict, to protect civilians and rape survivors, and to ensure justice for all and the effective prosecution of those responsible. In Canada, KAIROS was able to get behind the “Dear John” petition to John Baird, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, which asked him to support a motion to make Canada a leader in the global effort to end sexual violence in conflict zones.
It appears the “Dear John” petition, along with tweets & emails, had an impact!  On June 20 the House of Commons unanimously adopted the motion.

The full text of the motion is as follows:

That this House condemns sexual violence in conflict and calls on the government to:


(a) reaffirm Canada’s commitment to implement United Nations Security Council Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security and Canada’s National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security;


(b) play a leadership role in international efforts to end sexual violence and bring about accountability, and support survivors of sexual violence in conflict through Canadian diplomacy and development assistance, and;


(c) support the efforts of organizations to draw attention to, and denounce, sexual violence.


It is fitting that the motion was passed while the KAIROS Living Courage tour was ongoing.  At public events in Atlantic Canada, both Claudia Castellanos from the Popular Feminist Organization (OFP) in  Colombia, and Lucy Talgieh  from Wi’am in Palestine, spoke about the prevalence of gender and domestic violence in their countries, the impacts of conflict on the lives and bodies of women, and  the fact that women have been excluded from peace processes.  They underlined the need for full implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325, which calls for women’s participation in peace building processes at all levels, and for political and financial support for women human rights organizations.


Together with our partners, we join the Nobel Women’s Initiative in congratulating the House of Commons for passing this motion. Now it is time to build the political will necessary to ensure its implementation.


For more information on the International Campaign to Stop Rape and Gender Violence and on future actions, please see the NWI website:

For more information on the KAIROS Women of Courage program:

Filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage


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