Posts Tagged "global finance"


Beyond GDP: Reimagining Economics for our Common Home

This webinar explores key problems caused by a fixation on economic growth, particularly growth as measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP). About this Event This webinar is part of a series called From Crisis to Care: Reimagining Economics for our Common…

Ecologists Call for a Transformed Financial System – Policy Briefing Paper #34

February 16, 2014

Ecologists, alarmed by how human activity is de-pleting ecosystems faster than they can be replen-ished, have added their voices to calls for a trans-formed financial system. Ecological economists point to how excessive consumption leads to more extraction of raw materials…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice

UN Climate Talks Move Backwards: Developed States Refuse Meaningful Action

November 26, 2013

Once again a UN conference on climate change has failed to take meaningful action despite the devastation wrought by typhoon Haiyan. Youth attending the conference in Warsaw singled out Canada and Australia for refusing to hear the urgent pleas for…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice

First Nations Challenge Foreign Investment Protection Agreements: Policy Briefing Paper #36

September 5, 2013

In August 2013, KAIROS welcomed Brenda Sayers, a band councillor from the Hupacasath First Nation on Vancouver Island. Brenda explained eloquently why the Hupacasath had filed a request in a federal court seeking a judicial review of the federal government’s…

Post filed in: Indigenous Rights, UNDRIP Blog Updates

A Breakthrough on Financial Transaction Tax, But Still a Long Way to Go

January 29, 2013

A decision by 11 European countries to implement a Financial Transaction Tax (FTT, also known as the “Robin Hood Tax”) constitutes an important victory for tax justice campaigners. Austria, Belgium, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain…

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Policy Briefing Paper #33 – Signposts for a New Financial Architecture

January 16, 2013

In 2012 KAIROS joined ecumenical partners from around the world in fashioning the São Paulo Statement on International Financial Transformation for the Economy of Life. Briefing Paper No. 33 describes the background for 10 of the key elements contained in…

Post filed in: Latin America

Policy Briefing Paper #32 – Tax Reform for Equity and Sustainability

January 16, 2013

Briefing Paper No. 32 summarizes research on tax justice issues that KAIROS prepared for the São Paulo conference. Reform of taxation is a feasible way to reduce ine-quality, fund social programs and finance invest-ments in harmony with Earth‟s ecological carrying…

Post filed in: Latin America

The São Paulo Statement “International Financial Transformation for the Economy of Life”

October 19, 2012

The global ecumenical community has issued a strong call for the transformation of the world’s financial system. A statement calling for a new financial and economic architecture emerged from a conference attended by sixty delegates from Christian churches from every…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice

Economy of Life, Justice, and Peace for All: A Call to Action

August 13, 2012

In June 2012, the Global Forum on Poverty, Wealth and Ecology of the World Council of Churches (WCC) concluded with a strong call for action to build an “economy of life” that focuses on eradicating poverty, challenging wealth accumulation and…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice

A Sustainable Energy Policy is Possible

June 11, 2012

In July 2011, federal, provincial and territorial energy ministers called for a public debate on a national energy strategy presenting KAIROS with an opportunity to elaborate on its vision for a just and sustainable energy policy. KAIROS envisions a transition…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice

KAIROS Analysis of the 2012 Federal Budget

April 3, 2012

Provisions of the 2012 federal budget have important implications for several KAIROS priorities, including justice for Indigenous peoples, and ecological sustainability as well as the quality of Official Development Assistance.   Equity for Indigenous Peoples in Canada The budget announces…

Post filed in: Indigenous Rights

KAIROS plays key role in World Council of Churches North American Hearings on Poverty, Wealth and Ecology.

November 15, 2011

From November 6th to 11th, representatives from churches in Canada and the United States, joined by guests from every continent, met in Calgary, Alberta for a consultation convened by the World Council of Churches on issues of poverty, wealth and…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice

Pumped Up: How Canada Subsidizes Fossil Fuels at the Expense of Green Alternatives

February 15, 2011

KAIROS’ 60 page 2011 study “Pumped Up: How Canada Subsidizes Fossil Fuels at the Expense of Green of Green Alternatives” demonstrates that the fossil fuel industry receives subsidies amounting to 1billion dollars a year from the federal government — resources…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice

KAIROS Briefing Paper #27: Can Quantitative Easing Fund Green Jobs?

December 22, 2010

In our August 2010 Policy Briefing Paper, “G20 Surrenders to the Money Traders,” we discussed how central banks have the option of creating money out of nothing through what is known as“quantitative easing” or QE for short. In that paper, we note that…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice

G-20: Take Action on Financial Transaction Taxes

November 11, 2010

International Civil Society Statement to the G-20 Leaders Summit in Seoul “We, the undersigned civil society organizations from 32 countries, urge G-20 leaders to make concrete progress towards the introduction of an internationally coordinated financial transactions tax (FTT) at the…

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G-20: Take Action on Financial Transaction Taxes

November 3, 2010

International Civil Society Statement to the G-20 Leaders Summit in Seoul   “We, the undersigned civil society organizations from 32 countries, urge G-20 leaders to make concrete progress towards the introduction of an internationally coordinated financial transactions tax (FTT) at…

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KAIROS Briefing Paper #25: G20 Surrenders to the Money Traders

July 27, 2010

KAIROS latest Policy Briefing Paper provides an in-depth analysis of the G20 Meetings and Final Statement. The paper examines how the outcome represents a caving in to pressure from the same bond and derivative traders whose irresponsible actions caused the…

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Voices Unheard

June 28, 2010

June 28, 2010 Canada’s Indigenous peoples, threatened human rights workers in Congo and Colombia, HIV-infected mothers in Malawi, and Pacific Islanders whose homes and livelihoods are being destroyed by rising waters due to climate change —are among the strong articulate…

Post filed in: Indigenous Rights

Robin des bois se porte bien

June 4, 2010

Malgré ce que vous avez pu lire ici ou là, Robin des Bois se porte bien : il ne se terre pas dans la forêt de Sherwood. On l’a aperçu à Berlin et il fait le tour des pays du G20….

Post filed in: En français

Update on the IMF, the G20 and the Robin Hood Tax*

May 5, 2010

For more info on the Robin Hood Tax >> In the lead up to the June G20 summit, the International Monetary Fund has issued an interim report on financial reform that the G20 finance ministers and central bank governors discussed…

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KAIROS Briefing Paper #24: An Idea Whose Time Has Come: Adopt a Financial Transactions Tax

May 1, 2010

A growing number of politicians, civil society organizations, economists and some financiers have become strong advocates of a global Financial Transactions Tax (FTT).  An FTT is a tiny tax on financial market transactions such as equity, bond, derivative or foreign exchange…

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The Robin Hood Tax: KAIROS Calls for a Global Financial Transactions Tax

April 21, 2010

A Tiny Tax That Will Do A World of Good A Financial Transactions Tax (FTT) –a small levy on financial market transactions including equity, bond, derivative and foreign exchange trades– is one of the best ways to fund programs to…

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Global Finance

April 11, 2010

Global Finance Whereas a stable financial system is essential for achieving our goals of social justice and care for the Earth, the current international system remains fragile and crisis-prone. KAIROS research and analysis on the global financial crisis focuses on…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice

Federal Budget Fails the World’s Poor and Urgent Need to Address Climate Change

April 6, 2010

Finance Minister James Flaherty’s 2010 budget states that there will be no further increases to foreign aid following a previously promised 8% rise in 2010. This cutback comes at a time when developing countries are struggling to overcome the combined…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice

Financial Crisis An Opportunity for a New Global Order: Briefing Paper #19

November 20, 2009

Policy Briefing Paper #19

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KAIROS Briefing Paper #19: Financial Crisis An Opportunity for a New Global Order

November 1, 2009

The current financial crisis has created an exceptional opportunity for transforming the global economic order. In this report we shall first explore the proximate causes of the crisis that began with excessive speculation in the US housing and financial markets. In Part II…

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KAIROS Briefing Paper #17: G20 Rehabilitates IMF, Marginalizes UN

April 22, 2009

The Summit of G20 leaders on the global economic crisis held in London, April 1-2, 2009, received massive, world-wide media coverage. In contrast, a report from a Commission of Experts on Reforms to the International Monetary and Financial System tabled two weeks earlier at…

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What kind of a “new” Bretton Woods will emerge from the economic crisis?

March 1, 2009

Politicians are talking about convening a conference to redesign the global financial system like the one held at Bretton Woods New Hampshire in 1944 that established the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. The most recent KAIROS Briefing Paper…

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