The Robin Hood Tax: KAIROS Calls for a Global Financial Transactions Tax

A Tiny Tax That Will Do A World of Good

A Financial Transactions Tax (FTT) –a small levy on financial market transactions including equity, bond, derivative and foreign exchange trades– is one of the best ways to fund programs to fight climate change and world poverty, and make financial institutions pay their fair share of the costs of the global economic crisis.

During the week of April 19th KAIROS joined with partners from across Canada to launch a campaign to persuade leaders from the G20 to endorse an FTT –also known as the Robin Hood Tax– at their Summit in Toronto in June.

Check out KAIROS’ online campaign for the Robin Hood Tax! >>


For more information contact John Dillon,
Program Coordinator for Global Economic Justice
(416) 463-5312 x 231
(toll free 1-877-403-8933)

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