Climate webinar brings together Indigenous and Global South perspectives

Climate Action Dialogues webinar featured during KAIROS’ first Climate Action Week
WHAT – Webinar: Climate Action Dialogues: Indigenous and Global South Perspectives on Just Transition
WHY – This webinar will be the featured event of KAIROS’ first Climate Action Week, which runs June 5-11. The theme of Climate Action Week is Decolonizing Climate Action: Centering Indigenous Ways of Knowing. Participants will hear from Indigenous and Global South voices on principles for a just transition that support equity, climate justice, and an economy of life. Participants will discuss how to amplify these principles in their local climate actions and advocacy efforts.
WHEN – June 7 from noon to 1:30 p.m. EST
WHERE – This event is online. Register.
WHO – Speakers:
- Noble Wadzah, Coordinator of Oil Watch Africa’s chapter in Ghana, Oil Watch Ghana (KAIROS Global Solidarity partner).
- Bryanna Brown (Inuk and Mi’kmaq from Nunatsiavut, Labrador), Policy Advisor, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and member of Indigenous Climate Action’s National Steering Committee and Climate Policy Advisory Council.
- Host and Moderator: Beth Lorimer, Ecological Justice Coordinator, KAIROS Canada.
About KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives:
KAIROS is a social justice organization that includes ten Canadian churches and religious organizations. We are Indigenous, settlers and newcomers in Canada working with people of faith or conscience all over the world for ecological justice and human rights. We deliberate on issues of common concern, advocate for social change and join with people of faith and goodwill in action for social transformation. Learn more: KAIROS Canada website.
Media Contact:
Cheryl McNamara, Communications and Advocacy Coordinator, KAIROS Canada