Posts Tagged "epiphany"
Called to a Sacrificial Love
January 6, 2021
2 Kings 2:1-12; Psalm 50:1-6; 2 Corinthians 4:3-6; Mark 9:2-9 Reflection by Leona Lortie During the Season of Epiphany, we reflect on the appearance of Christ to the world. This time is intertwined with the incarnation, the profound event of…
Post filed in: Spirited Reflections
A Ceremony of Gratitude
January 5, 2021
Is. 40: 21-31; Psalm 147: 1-11, 20c; I Cor. 9: 16-23; Mark 1: 29-39 Reflection by Sister Mary-Ellen Francoeur After reading the Scripture of this Sunday, what popped up for me was the Ceremony of Tobacco Offering described by Richard…
Post filed in: Spirited Reflections
Gratitude for the Fish and the Birds
January 5, 2021
Deuteronomy 18:15-20; Psalm 111; 1 Corinthians 8:1-13; Mark 1:21-28 By Henriette Thompson “And God said, ‘Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the dome of the sky.’ …’And God saw…
Post filed in: Spirited Reflections
Steadfast Love in a Time of Flux
January 4, 2021
Jonah 3:1-5, 10; Psalm 62:5-12; I Corinthians 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20 Reflection by Matthew Diegel Each of our readings speaks of uncertain times, times on the edge of change. Jonah enters the great city of Nineveh and begins to proclaim the…
Post filed in: Spirited Reflections
Spirited Reflection: Being known under the tree
December 23, 2020
1 Samuel 3:1-10, (11-20); Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20; John 1:43-51 This cold and blustery January may seem far removed from lush and leafy summer gardens, but the fig tree mentioned in the gospel reading for this week has…
Post filed in: Spirited Reflections
Spirited Reflection: The baptismal drive
December 23, 2020
Genesis 1:1-5; Psalm 29; Acts 19:1-7; Mark 1:4-11 As a young adult, I became interested in alternatives to the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Being someone interested in all kinds of things, it was…
Post filed in: Spirited Reflections
Spirited Reflection: Glorious display
December 22, 2020
Version en français Epiphany has many subtle meanings in the original Greek. The one I like best for this year and these lectionary readings is ‘glorious display’, and what a display of glory is offered to us! We need to…
Post filed in: Spirited Reflections
Réflexion Spirituelle: Manifestation de gloire
December 15, 2020
English version Dans son étymologie grecque, épiphanie a plusieurs significations quelque peu différentes. Celle que je retiens cette année pour cette lecture du lectionnaire est celle de « manifestation de gloire». Et, en effet, quelle glorieuse manifestation nous est présentée! Nous devons…
Post filed in: En français, Spirited Reflections
Now available! Good News: Epiphany Year B Resource for Justice Seekers
November 8, 2020
Post filed in: Spirited Reflections
Spirited Reflection: Choosing Life
February 20, 2020
This week the KAIROS Epiphany resource, Listen to the Children: A Worship Resource for Justice Seekers (digital) (print) and Écoutez les enfants, highlights the responsibility of parents and other caring adults to nurture and guide children in the ways of God. The Message The Israelites have been wandering in the…
Post filed in: Spirited Reflections
Spirited Reflection: Children of courage
February 14, 2020
This week the KAIROS Epiphany resource, Listen to the Children: A Worship Resource for Justice Seekers (digital) (print) and Écoutez les enfants, highlights the situation of extremely vulnerable children who find and demonstrate strength and resilience. Child enslaved and saving her master The heroine of the story in 2 Kings 5:119 is a young and unnamed Israelite…
Post filed in: Spirited Reflections
Spirited Reflection: Become like children
February 5, 2020
Continuing with the KAIROS Epiphany resource, Listen to the Children: A Worship Resource for Justice Seekers (digital) (print) and Écoutez les enfants, this week we note the importance of the community in overseeing and advocating for children’s development and well-being….
Post filed in: Spirited Reflections
Spirited Reflection: Jesus heals and blesses children
January 28, 2020
Continuing with the Epiphany resource, Listen to the Children: A Worship Resource for Justice Seekers (digital) (print) and Écoutez les enfants , this week we see how Jesus included children in his teachings. Throughout his ministry, Jesus speaks about a…
Post filed in: Spirited Reflections
Spirited Reflection: Children as prophets, servants and leaders
January 24, 2020
Today, as with Scripture, we find news and stories of children and youth as prophet, servant or leader. From Isaiah 49:1-7: the servant’s role is to turn God’s people back to God, to make them a “light to the nations,”…
Post filed in: Spirited Reflections
Spirited Reflection: God hears children—from the beginning
January 15, 2020
This year, KAIROS Epiphany and spirited reflections are focusing on children, based on the new Epiphany Resource Listen to the Children: A Worship Resource for Justice Seekers (digital) (print) et Écoutez les enfants. “I was born here. This is the…
Post filed in: Spirited Reflections
Spirited Reflection: Finding safety and justice for migrant workers
February 20, 2019
Epiphany continues February 24 with KAIROS reflections in Light of a Star (digital) (print), the Epiphany Resource. Heide and Richard’s Story Two workers at a McDonald’s in Fernie, B.C. ‒ Heide and her boyfriend, Richard ‒ alleged that the owner,…
Post filed in: Migrant Justice, Spirited Reflections
Spirited Reflection: When called to paths toward reconciliation
February 6, 2019
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany 5 – February 10, 2019 Luke 5:1-11 we have worked all night long but have caught nothing. Yet if you say so, I will let down the nets. (Luke 5:5) For me, 2018 was a year…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights, Spirited Reflections
Spirited Reflection: Acting for our neighbours
January 31, 2019
Epiphany continues January 27 with KAIROS reflections based on Light of a Star (digital) (print), the KAIROS Epiphany Resource. Scripture Commentary – Jeremiah 1:4-10 Prophets have a difficult job. They must speak the words that God gives them to speak, even though…
Post filed in: Migrant Justice, Spirited Reflections
Spirited Reflection: It comes down to status
January 24, 2019
Epiphany continues January 27 with KAIROS reflections based on Light of a Star (digital) (print), the KAIROS Epiphany Resource. TERESA’S STORY: Teresa (not her real name) is a single mom from Baja California, Mexico. Since 2012, she has been supporting her parents…
Post filed in: Migrant Justice, Spirited Reflections
Spirited Reflection: Employers as allies with their workers
January 18, 2019
Epiphany continues January 20 with KAIROS reflections based on Light of a Star (digital) (print), the Epiphany Resource. RYAN’S STORY: Ryan was desperate when he lost his job as a restaurant cleaner amid Alberta’s economic recession and faced possible removal to…
Post filed in: Migrant Justice, Spirited Reflections
Spirited Reflection: Seeking justice and building a community
January 8, 2019
Epiphany continues January 13 with KAIROS reflections based on Light of a Star (digital) (print), the Epiphany Resource. ARLENE’S STORY: After Arlene came to Canada, she realized she was under a pilot program and couldn’t possibly meet the post-secondary education and…
Post filed in: Migrant Justice, Spirited Reflections
Spirited Reflection: Why migration?
January 2, 2019
January 6 is the beginning of Epiphany and KAIROS reflections are focusing on the issues surrounding migration and migrant workers, based on the Epiphany Resource Light of a Star (digital) (print). Gabriel’s Story Gabriel lost his job because of a combination of…
Post filed in: Migrant Justice, Spirited Reflections