KAIROS’ Executive Director joins faith leaders in yearlong climate fast chain

Toronto, ON – Jennifer Henry, KAIROS Canada’s Executive Director, will fast on March 5, joining faith leaders, politicians and environmentalists for the 365 Rolling Fast for the Climate that began on December 1 at the UN climate conference in Lima, Peru, and will end November 30, the first day of the climate conference in Paris, France.
More than 365 people worldwide are participating in this one-year fasting chain, initiated by the Fast For The Climate, in solidarity with vulnerable people who are most affected by dangerous climate impacts.
“Fasting has long roots in our faith tradition,” says Henry. “The fast that God requires is justice and the justice we most desperately need is climate justice for all people who have been impacted, and will be impacted, by the current ecological catastrophe. Fasting for one day is a small gesture of solidarity for the hardship so many now face. Each and every one of our voices is essential to demand of the federal government an effective strategy to meet science-based emissions reductions targets in the lead up to the climate conference in Paris later this year.”
February and March are assigned to North Americans who are hungry for action on climate change. Notable leaders who agreed to fast one day during this period include the Rev. Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada (March 6); Rev. Susan Johnson, National Bishop, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (February 14); Rev. Mark MacDonald, the National Indigenous Bishop, Anglican Church of Canada (March 16); Mardi Tindal, Immediate Past Moderator, The United Church of Canada (March 19); Joe Gunn, Executive Director, Citizens for Public Justice (February 1); Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada (March 12); and Bill McKibben, author and co-founder of 350.org (March 30). Connie Sorio, KAIROS’ Ecological Justice Partnership Coordinator, will join the fast on February 28. To learn about other fasters, visit fastfortheclimate.org/en/#heroes.
The Fast for the Climate movement started at the UN climate negotiations in Warsaw in November 2013. Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda had just devastated the Philippines and that country’s climate commissioner, Yeb Saño, whose own family was caught up in the disaster, said he would not eat until the Warsaw conference ended or delivered actions by countries to “stop the madness” of the climate crisis. Hundreds of others from around the world chose to fast with him in solidarity. 365 Rolling Fast for the Climate seeks to send a message to governments that people from all walks of life, from all corners of the globe, expect a comprehensive, global climate action plan, which is due in Paris in 2015. For more visit: fastfortheclimate.org/en.
About KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives
KAIROS is a faith-based social justice organization of eleven Canadian churches and religious organizations. It focuses on Indigenous rights, international human rights and ecological justice. We deliberate on issues of common concern, advocate for social change and join with people of faith and goodwill in action for social transformation.
For more visit: www.kairoscanada.org.
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Media Contact:
Cheryl McNamara, Media Coordinator, KAIROS Canada
416-463-5312 ext. 246, cmcnamara@kairoscanada.org