Archive for 2010
MEDIA ADVISORY – KAIROS Cross-Canada G20 Climate Justice Tour Comes to Fredericton
June 14, 2010
Photo Opportunities Attention: Environment, Foreign Affairs, Business, and Religion Editors Fredericton, NB/For Immediate Release Friday, June 11, 2010 WHO: KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives in conjunction with the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition and the Council of Canadians presents KAIROS Southern…
Post filed in: Media Releases
MEDIA ADVISORY – KAIROS Cross-Canada G20 Climate Justice Tour Comes to Halifax
June 14, 2010
Photo Opportunities Attention: Environment, Foreign Affairs, Business, and Religion Editors Halifax, NS / For Immediate Release Monday, June 14, 2010 WHO: KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives in conjunction with the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition and the Council of Canadians presents KAIROS…
Post filed in: Media Releases
Western Tour: Richmond, Vancouver and “the liquid continent”
June 14, 2010
Good afternoon, although it’s still very much morning here in Victoria. Francois Pihaatae, Ecumenical Animator on Climate Change for the Pacific Conference of Churches and one of KAIROS’ Southern partners, and I are travelling on the Western leg of our…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
How Big is the BP Oil Slick? Bringing the Scale of the Disaster Home
June 14, 2010
o gain some sense of the magnitude of the BP oil spill, an interactive map provided by the Toronto Star ( allows users to superimpose the spill onto their own home town. This is a shocking experience. If you live…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
MEDIA ADVISORY – KAIROS Cross-Canada G20 Climate Justice Tour Launches
June 10, 2010
Photo Opportunities KAIROS Cross-Canada G20 Climate Justice Tour Launches June 14 Attention: Environment, Foreign Affairs, Business, and Religion Editors Toronto/For Immediate Release Thursday, June 10, 2010 WHO: KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives in conjunction with the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition…
Post filed in: Media Releases
MEDIA ADVISORY: G20 Climate Justice Tour
June 10, 2010
MEDIA ADVISORY Photo Opportunities KAIROS Cross-Canada G20 Climate Justice Tour Launches June 14 Attention: Environment, Foreign Affairs, Business, and Religion Editors Toronto/For Immediate Release Thursday, June 10, 2010 WHO: KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives in conjunction with the Canadian Youth…
Post filed in: Media Releases
KAIROS condamne l’assaut et la tuerie de personnes à bord de la Flottille de la liberté en route vers Gaza
June 9, 2010
KAIROS se joint aux Églises et aux personnes de partout à travers le monde qui ont condamné l’assaut et la tuerie de personnes innocentes à bord du convoi humanitaire qui se rendait à la Bande de Gaza. Le 31 mai,…
Post filed in: En français
Un autre défenseur des droits humains assassiné en RDC
June 7, 2010
Le 4 juin 2010 KAIROS a été bouleversé d’apprendre la mort de Floribert Chebeya Bahizire, survenue plus tôt cette semaine à Kinshasa, en République démocratique du Congo. Floribert était le directeur exécutif de La Voix des Sans-Voix, un des plus…
Post filed in: En français
The Canadian Council for International Cooperation (CCIC) needs our support
June 7, 2010
At this time, KAIROS and the international development community in Canada are gravely concerned that CIDA may be planning to cut funding to our coordinating body, The Canadian Council for International Cooperation, by mid-July. CCIC helps 90 International development organizations…
Post filed in: Uncategorized
Another human rights defender killed in the Congo
June 4, 2010
(PDF version of this article) KAIROS is deeply saddened to learn of the death of Floribert Chebeya Bahizire earlier this week in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Floribert was the executive director of La Voix des Sans-Voix (Voice of the…
Post filed in: Africa
Appel à l’action du Conseil canadien des Églises et de KAIROS pour le G8
June 4, 2010
Le Conseil canadien des Églises accueille à Winnipeg les leaders religieux du monde dans le cadre d’un grand Sommet interreligieux; à ce sujet vous pouvez visiter le site de ce sommet à Le Comité organisateur interreligieux demande aux Canadiennes…
Post filed in: En français
KAIROS Update Six months after the Cut by CIDA
June 4, 2010
June 3, 2010 Just over six months ago, the Canadian International Development Agency informed KAIROS that we would no longer receive CIDA funding. On the afternoon of November 30, 2009 a senior CIDA official advised KAIROS that its proposed 2009-1013…
Post filed in: Uncategorized
Robin des bois se porte bien
June 4, 2010
Malgré ce que vous avez pu lire ici ou là, Robin des Bois se porte bien : il ne se terre pas dans la forêt de Sherwood. On l’a aperçu à Berlin et il fait le tour des pays du G20….
Post filed in: En français
Welcome to the KAIROS G20 Climate Justice Tour Blog
June 3, 2010
KAIROS staff and partners will be reporting on both the Western Tour (Victoria, Yellowknife, and Regina), and the Eastern Tour (St. John’s, Halifax and Fredericton) on this blog. Go to for details on the tour. Also, join the tour…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
KAIROS Canada condemns the assault and killing of people aboard the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza
June 2, 2010
KAIROS joins churches and concerned people from around world in condemning the assault and killing of innocent people aboard the humanitarian convoy headed to the Gaza Strip. On May 31st, the Israeli Navy boarded a ship in international waters that…
Post filed in: Middle East
The Blanket Exercise: walk in someone else’s shoes all the way back to the first meetings of Europeans and Indigenous Peoples
May 28, 2010
By Rev. Curtis Korver
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights
G8 Action Call from the Canadian Council of Churches and KAIROS
May 24, 2010
The Canadian Council of Churches is hosting the Interfaith Summit of World Religious Leaders in Winnipeg: read all about it here, or visit the website at The Canadian Interfaith planning committee is asking Canadians to “urge our government to…
Post filed in: Uncategorized
Les députés reportent le débat sur le projet de loi sur les mines
May 21, 2010
Le député libéral John McKay continue de faire face à un barrage de critiques de la part du lobby minier au sujet de son modeste projet de loi pour interdire au gouvernement de financer les opérations minières irresponsables. Son projet…
Post filed in: En français, Media Releases
La Campagne « Dignité pour toutes»
May 21, 2010
Je crois que d’être libéré de la pauvreté est un droit humain. Je crois à l’égalité de toutes les personnes. Je crois que nous avons toutes et tous droit à une sécurité sociale et économique. Je crois à la…
Post filed in: En français
KAIROS Times: May 2010
May 21, 2010
Read the May 2010 issue.
Post filed in: KAIROS Times E-Newsletter
KAIROS launches G20 Climate Justice Tour
May 19, 2010
Post filed in: Media Releases
L’appui à la Déclaration des Nations Unies par le Canada doit être en harmonie avec les droits humains
May 18, 2010
Les organisations des peuples autochtones, confessionnelles et de droits humains ont accueilli avec joie, lors du discours du Trône, l’annonce selon laquelle le gouvernement canadien prendra des mesures en vue d’appuyer la Déclaration des Nations Unies sur les droits des…
Post filed in: En français
Winnipeg to host 2010 World Religions Summit
May 12, 2010
About 80 high profile religious leaders from around the world will gather in Winnipeg from June 21- June 23 to listen and report to one another but most importantly collaborate on sending a unified message to government leaders of the…
Post filed in: Media Releases
World Week for Peace in Israel-Palestine, May 29 to June 4 2010
May 7, 2010
World Council of Churches calls on us to work for peace For more than 40 years, Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem have been suffering under the Israeli occupation. Day-to-day life is interrupted by the separation…
Post filed in: Middle East
Sudan Clings to Precarious Peace
May 6, 2010
“For the first time in 24 years, Sudan has held multiparty elections. The vote, which took place between April 11 and 15, fulfilled one of the key conditions of the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) which ended Africa’s longest running…
Post filed in: Africa
Update on the IMF, the G20 and the Robin Hood Tax*
May 5, 2010
For more info on the Robin Hood Tax >> In the lead up to the June G20 summit, the International Monetary Fund has issued an interim report on financial reform that the G20 finance ministers and central bank governors discussed…
Post filed in: Uncategorized
Big Footprints Lead to Small Steps
May 5, 2010
Quaker farmer Robert Fensom attended a “Carbon Sabbath” workshop facilitated by Ian Thomson in Salmon Arm, BC, and here he reflects on his ‘footprint’. Click here to read the full article >> One foot in front of the other: it’s the…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
Canada Should Embrace UN Declaration without Conditions or Qualifications
May 4, 2010
Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Ninth Session United Nations, New York 19-30 April 2010 Agenda item 5 Half-day discussion on North America April 22, 2010 Joint Statement by Assembly of First Nations; Inuit Circumpolar Council Canada; Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami; Native…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights, Media Releases, UNDRIP Blog Updates