Posts Tagged "Migrant Justice"

A big win and possible win for migrant workers

June 4, 2024

KAIROS celebrates Canada’s announcement that it will offer permanent residency to migrant caregivers upon arrival in Canada, while holding its breath in anticipation of an announcement of a regularization program for people who are undocumented.  Permanant residency for migrant caregivers…

Post filed in: Migrant Justice

KAIROS reviews Budget 2024

April 23, 2024

While the federal government offered some good news in Budget 2024, which it announced on April 16, it also presented disappointments for KAIROS’ program areas.   We are told that Budget 2024 is an attempted balancing act of spending increases…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Gender Justice, Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Indigenous Rights, Migrant Justice

KAIROS urges Canada to regularize the undocumented and end indentured labour

April 3, 2024

Once again, KAIROS is calling on Canada to regularize the undocumented and end indentured labour and slavery in Canada by closing the Temporary Foreign Worker Program as soon as possible.  On March 26, Leah Reesor-Keller, KAIROS’ Transitional Executive Director sent a…

Post filed in: Migrant Justice


Multiple Locations: Regularize Everyone: It’s time.

  Regularize Everyone: It’s time. September 17, 2023 Take to the streets Across the country Bills are skyrocketing, rent is beyond reach, forests are ablaze, and healthcare is being privatized. We are in the midst of an inequality crisis, with…

Climate Justice = Migrant Justice

September 14, 2023

Migrant rights are key to climate justice.  We know that the people who have contributed the least to the climate crisis are the most impacted by it. As the impacts of the climate crisis escalate, those who contributed the least…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice

KAIROS unpacks Budget 2023

April 5, 2023

Budget 2023 was delivered at a time of high inflation and national debt – and a challenge from Canada’s largest trading partner to step up investment in clean energy.   It was no surprise then that the budget, announced on March…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Gender Justice, Indigenous Rights, Migrant Justice


Alberta: International Migrants Day Film Screening and Panel

FILM: In the shadow of Gold Mountain Followed by a panel discussion. A year ago Prime Minister Trudeau promised to regularize undocumented people and ensure permanent resident status to migrant students and workers. One year later, deportations, abuse, and exploitations…

KAIROS urges full regularization of the undocumented from federal government

December 16, 2022

The federal government is discussing the terms of a regularization program for people who are undocumented in Canada. KAIROS Canada has been calling for Status for All for years. On December 15, Aisha Francis, KAIROS’ Executive Director, sent a letter…

Post filed in: Migrant Justice


Dec 16: Stop the Deportations! Status for All!

One year ago, Prime Minister Trudeau promised regularization (permanent resident status for undocumented people), and permanent resident status for migrant workers and students. A year later, migrants are waiting, while deportations continue. Deportations of people like Fatumah Najjuma, a 28…

Connecting the dots

September 28, 2022

Remember connect-the-dots pictures? Many are incredibly simple (like this bunny) – the image sometimes could even be discerned without drawing the lines between dots. But some pictures are much more complicated, with the picture emerging from all those unconnected points…

Post filed in: Corporate Accountability, Ecological Justice, Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Indigenous Rights, Migrant Justice

Ecumenical support for migrant rights and status for all

September 20, 2022

Four denominations involved in the global movement of Churches Witnessing with Migrants (CWWM) wrote to the Canadian government on September 8 in support of permanent residency for migrant workers and the regularization of undocumented migrants. The heads of the Anglican…

Post filed in: Migrant Justice


Rights, Regularization, Status for All! | Droits, Régularisation, Statut pour tous et toutes

All Day / Toute la journée Across Canada / À travers le Canada et le Québec (français en dessous) On September 18 – one day before Canadian Parliament returns – we will gather in the thousands across the country to…