Archive for 2010

G-20: Take Action on Financial Transaction Taxes

November 3, 2010

International Civil Society Statement to the G-20 Leaders Summit in Seoul   “We, the undersigned civil society organizations from 32 countries, urge G-20 leaders to make concrete progress towards the introduction of an internationally coordinated financial transactions tax (FTT) at…

Post filed in: Uncategorized

UNDRIP Factsheet on Canada’s commitment to endorse the Declaration

November 3, 2010

Download the Factsheet (PDF) “The time is now for Canada to join the overwhelming majority of states that have endorsed the UN Declaration and who are establishing a practice of implementing this Declaration as an important international legal instrument.” This…

Post filed in: Indigenous Rights, UNDRIP Blog Updates

Humanized Globalization: Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples and Migrant Workers from Guatemala to Canada. A conversation with Bishop Ramazzini

October 28, 2010

“ This gathering is an expression of our desire to humanize globalization.  I want to thank you for that”. This is how Bishop Ramazzini from the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Marcos in Guatemala, began his talk to a group…

Post filed in: Indigenous Rights, Latin America, Migrant Justice

The Struggle for Mining Accountability Continues in the Wake of Bill C-300

October 28, 2010

KAIROS is deeply disappointed by the defeat of Bill C-300 at its third reading in the House of Commons. The private member’s bill, which would have created new mechanisms to hold Canadian mining, oil and gas companies accountable when they…

Post filed in: Africa, Asia-Pacific, Ecological Justice, Latin America

The Land Our Life

October 28, 2010

A reflection given in worship at the BC/Yukon Regional KAIROS meeting at Sorrento, BC, October 3, 2010, by Janet Gray Scriptural readings: Isaiah 11:1-9, Mark 10:17-22 —————————————- The Land we stand on is sacred ground. We acknowledge this territory is the land…

Post filed in: Indigenous Rights

Kairos Times: October 2010

October 15, 2010

Read the October 2010 issue.

Post filed in: KAIROS Times E-Newsletter

Violations massives des droits humains en RDC : maintenant on sait. Il est grand temps d’agir!

October 12, 2010

La publication recente du rapport Projet Mapping concernant les violations les plus graves des droits humains commises entre 1993 et 2003 sur le territoire de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) est une occasion à saisir pour combattre efficacement l’impunité…

Post filed in: En français

Sudanese and Canadian church support historic South Sudan self-determination referendum on January 9, 2011

October 10, 2010

South Sudan will hold an historic self-determination referendum on January 9, 2011 called for in the historic 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement ending the North-South civil war in Sudan.  A Sudanese ecumenical delegation lead by the Sudan Council of Churches, a KAIROS-funded…

Post filed in: Africa

Update on the fate of Congolese human rights defender Golden Misabiko

October 6, 2010

On August 31st, KAIROS issued an urgent appeal for the release of Golden Misabiko, the 53-year-old President of the Katangan branch of the Association africaine de defense des droits de l’homme, ASADHO-Katanga, a respected Congolese human rights organization. Click here to…

Post filed in: Africa

Joint Statement on the movement of Sisters in Spirit Vigils

September 16, 2010

Aboriginal women and girls are facing the most pervasive human rights crisis in Canada today. The profound impact of violence experienced by Aboriginal women and girls in Canada has created a national tragedy. The disappearance and murder of our Aboriginal…

Post filed in: Indigenous Rights

Le temps de KAIROS : octobre 2010

September 15, 2010

Lire le numéro d’octobre 2010.

Post filed in: En français, KAIROS Times E-Newsletter

Kairos Times: September 2010

September 15, 2010

Read the September 2010 issue.

Post filed in: KAIROS Times E-Newsletter

Women of Courage delegate Vernie Yocogan writes article on the Colombia tour

September 15, 2010

Vernie Yocogan has posted a great article on the Women of Courage Colombia tour in the ‘Northern Dispatch (nordis) Weekly’, a blog of the nordis Weekly, a people’s newspaper for Northern Philippines: “Women’s Front: Women of Courage visits Colombia”…

Post filed in: Asia-Pacific, Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Latin America

Rights orgs support publication of UN report on human rights abuses

September 10, 2010

Human rights organizations in the DRC call on Congolese government to respond to report in an effort of true reconciliation fileadmin/fe/files/PDF/countires/congo/CongolaiseSurlLeRapportduProjetMapping-Eng.pdf

Post filed in: Indigenous Rights

L’Onu doit endosser et publier le rapport concernant les violations les plus graves des Droits humains et du Droit international humanitaire commises RDC.

September 10, 2010


Post filed in: En français

La terre, notre vie

September 2, 2010

La terre, notre vie : les droits des Autochtones et notre commun avenir Campagne KAIROS 2010–2011 Les peuples autochtones du monde entier sont confrontés à un défi unique face à pauvreté : l’accès à l’éducation et l’obtention d’autres mesures d’amélioration de leur…

Post filed in: En français

Reflections on the Blanket Train

September 1, 2010

Sara Stratton Trinity St. Paul’s and Bloor Street United Churches For the last 18 months or so, the biggest part of my job with the Canadian Ecumenical Jubilee Initiative has been in the area of indigenous justice. Together with the…

Post filed in: Indigenous Rights, Spirited Reflections

Pakistan Floods

August 31, 2010

KAIROS is deeply concerned about the safety and well being of the millions of Pakistani people affected by the floods.  Although KAIROS does not have an emergency response program, many of our member Churches and organizations do. Contributions made before September…

Post filed in: Asia-Pacific

Returning home, but this is a beginning

August 27, 2010

We are all returning home after the Women of Courage delegation.It has been a rich and deep experience – unforgettable.I feel very lucky to have had the opportunity to travel with these amazing women and to get a glimpse of…

Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Latin America

Cora reflects on Women of Courage

August 25, 2010

This blog entry was written by CORA DE LA PENA I feel fortunate to be invited by KAIROS to participate in this Women of Courage project. I feel so privileged to be able to accompany the women in Colombia. In…

Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Latin America

Letter from Theresa

August 23, 2010

By Theresa Halkett We the Indigenous peoples that are representing Canada on this tour are very thankful to be here. It has been very moving over the past three days; it hurts us so much to see what the Colombian…

Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Latin America

Les communautés afro-colombiennes : entre résistance et déplacement

August 23, 2010

Par Marie-Dominik Langlois L’ouverture de la délégation a débuté à Bogota, le 16 août, avec la rencontre pré-mission des observatrices et observateurs internationaux. Près d’une centaine de femmes étaient réunies, provenant de différents pays (Espagne, Pérou, Brésil, Honduras, Canada, Québec,…

Post filed in: En français

“Who are the women of courage?” – An Interview with Vernie Yocogan-Diano

August 20, 2010

Vernie dropped into the KAIROS office on her way to meet up with the rest of the delegates in Colombia. We took the opportunity to interview her. This is Vernie’s response to the question, “Who are the women of courage?”….

Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Latin America

I will struggle with her

August 20, 2010

This blog entry is by Jill Harris There can be no other experience in my life that I can say would match what has happened to me in these past few days in Colombia. What did I expect? I didn’t…

Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Latin America

We listened with heavy hearts

August 19, 2010

We arrived in Pasto Narino in the south of Colombia at 4am this morning, after a flight from Bogota to Cali and followed by an 8 hour bus ride. We were up a few hours later for a day of…

Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Latin America

A woman of courage in Colombia

August 17, 2010

Yesterday we met with Lilia Solano, another woman of courage in Colombia.  It was great to see her in person and in her element. I hadn’t seen her since the recent death threats and attacks to the office of Justicia y…

Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Latin America

The adventure begins for some, ends for others, and awaits 2 more

August 16, 2010

Six of us arrived safely in Bogotá, last night. Jill, Marie-Do, Rachel and I flew through Mexico on bankruptcy-protected airline Mexicana. We didn’t know that the airline would be in trouble when we booked the tickets. The only supplies they…

Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Latin America