Posts Tagged "ecuador"
KAIROS urges Canada to halt free trade negotiations with Ecuador
November 27, 2024
On November 25, KAIROS sent a letter to the Prime Minister urging Canada to halt the proposed free trade agreement with Ecuador, which is currently being fast-tracked. The expectation is that negotiations will wrap up at the end of 2024. …
Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Global South, Human Rights, Indigenous Rights
Why We Say No: Ecuadorian Indigenous women and rights defenders bring message of concern to Canada amid high-stakes trade negotiations
September 26, 2024
Toronto, September 26, 2024– Four women leaders on the front lines of increasingly dangerous efforts to protect rights and the environment in Ecuador will visit Canada next week to speak out against intensifying trade talks aimed at expanding Canadian resource…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Global South, Human Rights
Proudly supporting Indigenous women leaders and human rights defender delegation from Ecuador
September 23, 2024
“This is why we say No!” is the call to action that is mobilizing four courageous Indigenous women leaders and human rights defenders from Ecuador to come to Canada, September 28-October 6. They take this journey to share their concerns…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Global South
Statement of international solidarity with the victims of the escalation of violence in Ecuador
January 15, 2024
KAIROS is deeply concerned about the escalation in violence in Ecuador and stands in solidarity with partners and victims of this violence. We echo the calls of partners in the region for peace, demilitarization and respect for human rights. Below…
Post filed in: Statements
Introducing Ivonne Yanez – Acción Ecológica/Ecuador
September 14, 2022
Meet Ivonne Yanez. She is a founding member and current president of Acción Ecológica (Ecuador), one of the most well-known and respected climate justice organizations in Latin America, as well as Oilwatch Latin America, an oil activities resistance network. Ivonne…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Latin America
Indigenous peoples call for right to protect land, nature and livelihood in Ecuador
June 27, 2022
KAIROS is gravely concerned about reports, from partners in Ecuador, of repression, arbitrary detention and arrests of Indigenous leaders, organizations and allies. This government crackdown is in response to a national strike, organized by the Confederation of Indigenous Nations of…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Latin America
Gendered impacts of resource extraction #16StoriesofCourage
December 6, 2021
| en español | The negative impacts of large-scale resource extraction materialize in the form of violence against the land and also against women. In Intag, Ecuador, communities came together in defense of the land and water and passed a municipal ordinance declaring the…
Post filed in: En Español, Gender Justice/Women of Courage
Hilando y tejiendo juntas: camino de hermandad y solidaridad #KAIROS20
June 29, 2021
English KAIROS está celebrando 20 años como organización de justicia social, ecuménica y ambiental. Desde sus inicios comenzamos a trabajar juntos. Nuestras organizaciones, hilando y tejiendo juntas. Siempre encontramos sintonía en la lucha frente a los impactos de las actividades…
Post filed in: #KAIROS20 Anniversary, En Español, Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Latin America
Spinning and weaving together: A journey of siblinghood and solidarity #KAIROS20
June 29, 2021
Español KAIROS is celebrating 20 years as a social, ecumenical, and environmental justice organization. From its beginning we began to work together. Our organizations, spinning and weaving together. We always find harmony in the struggles against the impacts of oil and mining activities, climate change, and the role of Indigenous peoples and women in the…
Post filed in: #KAIROS20 Anniversary, Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Latin America, Uncategorized
First climate change lawsuit in Ecuador
April 19, 2021
La versión en español de este blog sigue a continuación. The following is a summary and update from Ivonne Yánez of Acción Ecológica (Ecuador) on the status of the first climate change lawsuit to be heard in Ecuador. Acción Ecológica is a KAIROS global partner. Acción Ecológica, together with the Union of People Affected by Texaco (UDAPT),…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice, En Español, Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Indigenous Rights, Latin America
Acción Ecológica files climate change lawsuit in Ecuador
December 14, 2020
On International Human Rights Day, Acción Ecológica, KAIROS partner organization in Ecuador, and a consortium of organizations and groups filed a lawsuit before the Ecuadorian state. The lawsuit claims that the oil refinement process contributes to climate change, which has local and global consequences. In particular, the lawsuit denounces Chinese transnational oil…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Latin America
On the frontlines: Indigenous resistance, land defense and climate change in Ecuador
As part of KAIROS Climate Action Month, join us for an online conversation with human rights and land defenders, Ivonne Yanez and Mirian Cisneros about climate justice and Indigenous resistance to fossil fuel extraction in Ecuador. Ivonne Yanez is a founding member…
KAIROS Signs on to open letter in support of the Shuar Arutam People in Ecuador
May 14, 2020
Over 100 organizations from across the globe have signed an open letter—co-written by KAIROS partner Acción Ecológica, MiningWatch Canada, and others—in solidarity with the Shuar Arutam People (PSHA) in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Letter signatories join the PSHA in condemning the Government of Ecuador for sanctioning the…
Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Latin America
Indigenous leaders reach deal with government of Ecuador
October 15, 2019
After almost two weeks of mass mobilizations, the people and Government of Ecuador reached a deal late Sunday night. In a dialogue aired live on national television and online, the President of Ecuador agreed to cancel Decree 883, the austerity…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights, Latin America
Celebrating women defenders of nature in Ecuador
November 16, 2016
From October 14 to 23, Rachel Warden, Latin America Partnerships and Gender Justice coordinator, traveled to Ecuador to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Accion Ecologica, KAIROS’ long time partner, and to participate in the Latin America Network of Women Defenders’ fourth…
Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Latin America
Anti-mining activist killed and Ecuadorean partners harassed on eve of Lima meetings
December 4, 2014
What was supposed to be a celebratory launch for KAIROS partner Acción Ecológica’s delegation to the People’s Summit and COP20 meeting in Lima, Peru turned into a nightmare as delegation members were detained and harassed and news came in of…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Latin America
Advent, Human Rights and International Migrants Day
December 18, 2013
Alfredo Barahona, KAIROS’ Migrant Relations Coordinator, reflects on Advent and International Migrants Day from the perspective of his own personal experiences as a migrant to Canada from El Salvador, and his recent visit to Quito.
Post filed in: Latin America, Migrant Justice
Ecuador’s Oil Struggle: Reflections on an Amazonian Journey
November 25, 2011
In July 2011, KAIROS staff Rachel Warden and Sara Stratton, together with Fort Chipewyan activist George Poitras, travelled to Ecuador to learn more about the impacts of oil exploration on the Indigenous peoples and ecosystems of Ecuador’s Amazon region. The…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Indigenous Rights, Latin America, UNDRIP Blog Updates