Urgent Action: It’s time to ramp up the pressure for an Ombudsperson

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We still need your help! We need you to take action again to call on the government to live up to its promise to create an independent Ombudperson with the power to compel documents and to investigate. In January, on the one-year anniversary of the Government of Canada’s announcement of the creation of the Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise (CORE), KAIROS put out an urgent action to call on the Government to act on this promise. Thank you for all your calls, letters, posts, and tweets. More are needed because we are now convinced that the government is trying to delay the creation of an effective ombudsperson with the power to compel documents and testimony until it is too late to do so during the current mandate.

But it’s not over yet…as long as we don’t stay silent!

Your continued action makes all the difference! For details on how to take action, please see our website: https://www.kairoscanada.org/what-we-do/ecological-justice/open4justice

Thank you for your continued commitment. Together we can do this!

Filed in: Ecological Justice


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