The delegation to COP27 begins

Cop27 Delegation
Members of the delegation to COP27

The KAIROS and For Love of Creation Delegation begins! On November 9, delegates arrive in Sharm El Sheikh Egypt from across the Global South – South Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, West Bank, Colombia, Ghana, Ecuador and the Philippines- and from Turtle Island to make their voices heard at COP27. During the delegation, we will highlight the voice of each delegate in through their blogs. In this first blog, we introduce the delegates, summarizing what we heard from them prior to COP27 about their expectations and messages. 

By bringing their diverse experiences, life trajectories and dreams to COP27, this delegation aims to communicate the resistance and resilience of women, youth and Indigenous peoples of the Global South and Turtle Island to the forefront of the Climate Crisis. The delegates bring substantial work and advocacy experiences that will enhance and enrich the conversations, agreements, and networking at COP. The fight to end violence against women and the environment is another critical experience and discussion that delegates bring. Their diverse worldviews and perspectives offer an interdisciplinary and multicultural perspective on environmental issues.

Networking is key to the delegates. Each agreed on the importance of networking with Canadian representatives and enlarging their networks of alliances and partners. KAIROS continues to work with partners, sometimes acting as an entry point to the international network and amplifying their voices to networks and allies on Turtle Island as well as the Canadian government. For some delegates, the networking will center on regional alliances and the opportunity to find common ground on shared environmental threats. 

The delegates will be part of panels and discussions that will spark further actions and alliances. These provide critical opportunities to promote and amplify their campaigns and projects. The delegates expressed excitement about opportunities to participate in meetings, gatherings, conversations and panels. 

The delegation aims to bring to COP27 the voices of those most affected by the current climate crisis and an extractivist economic system. Delegates will share their experiences in implementing climate change mitigation strategies, emergency programs and innovative projects. These projects have empowered women and Indigenous peoples to fight the climate crisis in their local contexts.  Delegates agree that COP27 will be a forum to showcase these results, in addition to learning from other organizations’ experiences.

The delegates call for both the reduction of oil dependency and sustainable alternatives and solutions, not false solutions that cause further environmental and human harm. They come to COP27 asking how we can mitigate the damage already caused. Delegates come from parts of the world where damage caused by the climate crisis is apparent. Their priorities are reparation, a total ban on new oil extractions, honest and responsible investments in renewable energy sources, reforesting and solving the water crisis that affects millions. All these issues call for actions from the industrialized and developed North.

Here, on Turtle Island, delegates call on our governmental authorities to work towards more comprehensive and robust legislation to address the environmental racism, human rights violations and environmental destruction caused by Canadian enterprises operating in the Global South and in Canada. Global delegates call on their governments to support their work, hear the voices of civil society and defend their lands and waters.

We are excited for this delegation, for the opportunity to learn and share, and hear the voices of delegates and support them. Stay tuned for their blogs!

Read More about the delegates …

Filed in: COP27, Ecological Justice, Global South

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