Posts Tagged "poverty"

Everybody Needs a Home

February 28, 2023

Toronto city started tracking deaths of homeless people in 2017, when an average of 1.9 died per week; in 2021, an average of 4.3 of the unhoused died each week. This was one of the stark statistics researchers Sandra Fawcett…

Post filed in: Regional News


Seeking Justice Together Virtual Conference

Seeking Justice Together is a virtual conference hosted by Citizens for Public Justice from May 17 to 20 exploring how we are called to seek justice together through intersectional, interpersonal, and interconnected approaches. Through a variety of keynotes and workshops, participants will explore…

The São Paulo Statement “International Financial Transformation for the Economy of Life”

October 19, 2012

The global ecumenical community has issued a strong call for the transformation of the world’s financial system. A statement calling for a new financial and economic architecture emerged from a conference attended by sixty delegates from Christian churches from every…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice

KAIROS plays key role in World Council of Churches North American Hearings on Poverty, Wealth and Ecology.

November 15, 2011

From November 6th to 11th, representatives from churches in Canada and the United States, joined by guests from every continent, met in Calgary, Alberta for a consultation convened by the World Council of Churches on issues of poverty, wealth and…

Post filed in: Ecological Justice