Posts Tagged "palestine & israel"
Honouring human rights defenders in photos: A KAIROS slideshow for International Human Rights Day
December 11, 2012
KAIROS marks International Human Rights Day, December 10, and the following week of celebration by commemorating the courageous work of our human rights partners in Canada and in the Global South. Through our migrant justice, Indigenous rights, women of courage and…
Post filed in: Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East
United Nations has recognized Palestine as non-member state
November 30, 2012
On 29 November 2012, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) passed an historic resolution upgrading the Palestinian Territories to the status of a non-member observer state. This move by the UNGA to recognize Palestinian statehood is seen by many as…
Post filed in: Middle East
Crisis in Gaza: KAIROS Partners Respond
November 20, 2012
As the conflict continues between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, KAIROS partner, the Near East Council of Churches (NECC), is responding with emergency medical care to the growing number of injured civilians. NECC in Gaza, a branch of KAIROS partner…
Post filed in: Middle East
News from KAIROS Partner in Gaza
November 16, 2012
“We could not sleep last night, today we cannot go out of our houses, it is dangerous to move around. NECC premises are closed , employees cannot reach the working places. Gaza people live in fear and stress. I hope…
Post filed in: Middle East
KAIROS joins the cry for an end to violence in Syria
September 7, 2012
KAIROS joins the global cry for an end to the violence in Syria, for dialogue between the warring parties, and for a just peace for the Syrian people. KAIROS echoes the call of the World Council of Churches for an…
Post filed in: Middle East
Report on Living Courage Eastern Tour and TRC, June 5-25, 2012
August 13, 2012
KAIROS partners, Claudia Castellanos, from the Popular Feminist Organization (OFP) in Colombia, and Lucy Talgieh from Wi’am: Palestinian Conflict Resolution Center in Bethlehem, Occupied Palestinian Territories visited communities in Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Ontario and Saskatchewan during the Living Courage tour,…
Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Indigenous Rights, Latin America, Middle East
Canada must urge Israel to resume negotiations for peace within International Law
February 13, 2012
Download PDF of this article >> Recently, Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs travelled to the Middle East, an admirable thing to do in a region so in need of peace. KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives believes that the government of…
Post filed in: Middle East
Representing Rebecca Nyagai Kafi
October 20, 2011
Sermon, Vancouver Chinese Presbyterian Church, 16 October 2011 (Pastor Morgan Wong of Vancouver Chinese Presbyterian Church had invited Rebecca Nyagai Kafi of the Sudan Council of Churches to preach at the English and Chinese services in his church. When Rebecca…
Post filed in: Africa, Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Middle East
KAIROS Partner Voices speak on UN Statehood for Palestine
September 26, 2011
At the UN General Assembly, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is seeking to upgrade Palestinians’ status from non-state observer to full UN membership. Given the United States’ proposed exercise of its veto, there is concern that Palestinian hopes may once again…
Post filed in: Middle East
Amira Hass, célèbre journaliste israélienne des droits humains, en tournée au Canada
September 22, 2011
Montréal, le 24 août 2011 – Canadiens pour la justice et la paix au Moyen-Orient (CJPMO) et KAIROS – Initiatives oecuméniques canadiennes pour la justice sont heureuses d’annoncer qu’elles organiseront de concert une tournée de conférences par la journaliste israélienne…
Post filed in: En français, Middle East
World Week of Peace for Palestine and Israel 2011 resource available
May 6, 2011
Every year, the World Council of Churches hosts a Week of Peace for Palestine and Israel. They offer liturgical resources and background material, this time with a focus on Jerusalem. The WCC calls on us to remember the struggle of Palestinian…
Post filed in: Middle East
KAIROS calls for an end to attacks on civilians and the start of a meaningful peace process between Israelis and Palestinians
April 8, 2011
KAIROS is deeply concerned about civilian casualties in a series of attacks that have taken place in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories over the last number of weeks. These include the murder of Israeli settlers by unknown persons, and…
Post filed in: Middle East
KAIROS solidarity letter to Israeli human rights group B’Tselem
January 26, 2011
On January 5 2011, Members of the Israeli Knesset voted for a parliamentary inquiry to investigate the funding of Israeli human rights groups allegedly helping to build war crimes cases abroad against Israeli military personnel. The scope and details of…
Post filed in: Middle East
Partner Profile: Constantine Dabbagh
December 7, 2010
From time to time, the Canadian mainstream media turns its attention to the Gaza Strip, and very little of its reporting carries good news. The western-most part of the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Gaza is surrounded by an Israeli military blockade…
Post filed in: Middle East
KAIROS Canada condemns the assault and killing of people aboard the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza
June 2, 2010
KAIROS joins churches and concerned people from around world in condemning the assault and killing of innocent people aboard the humanitarian convoy headed to the Gaza Strip. On May 31st, the Israeli Navy boarded a ship in international waters that…
Post filed in: Middle East
World Week for Peace in Israel-Palestine, May 29 to June 4 2010
May 7, 2010
World Council of Churches calls on us to work for peace For more than 40 years, Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem have been suffering under the Israeli occupation. Day-to-day life is interrupted by the separation…
Post filed in: Middle East
Grave concern with military order threatening thousands of Palestinians with deportation or imprisonment
March 11, 2010
KAIROS urgent action
Post filed in: Middle East