“We have courage because of your support.”

Agnes Wasuk Petia (below), the Coordinator of the South Sudan Council of Churches’ National Women’s Programme (SSCC-NWP) told us this in 2018 when she was here to talk with people across Canada about the anti-violence and peace-building initiatives spearheaded by the SSCC-NWP.
Throughout this difficult, unique year, KAIROS has continued to support its partners in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. Essential Indigenous rights and ecological and migrant justice initiatives have continued. Our ways of working have changed, but the need for global solidarity and partnership has become clearer and stronger than ever.
Representatives of all four Women of Courage: Women, Peace and Security program partners – from Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East – gathered online in November for a South-South Gathering that was originally planned to take place in Nairobi.
They spoke about the increase in social inequity and in gender-based and political violence that they have been seeing since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and described their organizations’ efforts to provide psychosocial support, humanitarian assistance, educational materials, and basic supplies to the women and families in their communities in this challengingtime.
Staff with the SSCC-NWP are carrying on their work with survivors of gender-based violence, and at the same time, raising public awareness about COVID-19 by going door to door to help people deal with the challenges brought on by the pandemic and teach them how to stayhealthy. The SSCC-NWP also hopes to reach up to four million people over the next short whilethrough radio programs about COVID-19, gender justice, trauma healing and peace-building.
Wi’am: Palestinian Centre for Conflict Transformation in the West Bank has continued to provide psychosocial support for survivors of violence and trauma through a new 24-hour phone helpline. Now, more than ever, they are relying on civil society partners, both beneficiaries and supporters of Wi’am. This means more training of trainers and reliance on those who were trained in the past to implement aspects of the organization’s program. As well, Wi’am has shifted its focus towards more humanitarian assistance for families.
Wi’am and SSCC-NWP are two of KAIROS’ courageous, tenacious Women of Courage: Women, Peace and Security program partners, along with Héritiers de la Justice (Democratic Republic of Congo), Organización Femenina Popular (Colombia), and the National Council of Churches in the Philippines.
Your Christmas donation to KAIROS sustains hope in Agnes and other women and communities that benefit from Women of Courage: Women, Peace and Security initiatives in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East.
One of the major social inequities that the pandemic has brought to light is the essential role that temporary foreign workers play in ensuring Canada’s food security, and at the same time, the sub-standard living conditions and violations of their human and labour rights that too many workers endure.
Connie Sorio, KAIROS Migrant Justice Coordinator, has been well connected to temporary foreign worker communities for many years. When the pandemic hit, she set out to create spaces for workers to connect with one another and tell their stories to the public and decision-makers. Through workshops and webinars, KAIROS has been educating the public, advocating for temporary foreign workers’ rights, and providing them with accompaniment and support to access health and other social services.
On the advocacy front, through the Status for All and Landed Status Now campaign, KAIROS and others have been calling on the federal government to grant permanent residency to foreign workers who are already here in Canada and to those coming in the future as part of building a fair and inclusive country.
Your Christmas donation means that KAIROS can continue giving support totemporary foreign workers across Canada.
Your contribution will bring hope and change to communities building peace and justice, often in the face of great odds. We have lots of donation options for you!
You can choose to designate your contribution to:
- KAIROS’ General Fund
- The overall Women of Courage: Women, Peace and Security program
- A specific Women of Courage: Women, Peace and Security partner
- The KAIROS Blanket Exercise program
- KAIROS’ Indigenous Rights program
- KAIROS’ Ecological Justice program
- KAIROS’ Migrant Justice program
- The National Council of Churches in the Philippines
Every dollar donated to these Women of Courage: Women, Peace and Security partners will generate an additional $3 in matching funds from Global Affairs Canada:
- Wi’am: Palestinian Conflict Transformation Center (West Bank)
- Héritiers de la Justice (Democratic Republic of Congo)
- Organización Femenina Popular (Colombia)
- The South Sudan Council of Churches’ National Women’s Programme.
You can give a loved one a meaningful Christmas gift through the Gift of Sharing section of our website. We’ll send a card to the person you name and include a message from you if you wish.
And finally, you can increase your giving impact by joining KAIROS’ Spirit of Change monthly giving program and helping to ensure that KAIROS’ vital work in Canada and across the globe is sustained.
Your Christmas donation to KAIROS will make a difference today and long into the future. Thank you!
In case you missed it, here is KAIROS’ Christmas message for sharing.