Posts Tagged "un climate negotiations"
Toronto: Global Strike for Climate
On September 27th, Toronto will see its’ biggest strike and march for climate justice. It is hosted by Fridays For Future Toronto, who invites adults to join youth strikers in solidarity, and is backed by the S27 Coalition, a diverse…
Toronto: Inter-Faith Vigil
September 20-27, 2019 will mark the Week for Future. Both nationally and internationally events will be happening in support of those fighting for responses to the climate emergency. People of all faiths are in a unique position to support our shared community…
People’s Climate March Spurs Hope for Climate Justice: Policy Briefing Paper #40
November 17, 2014
The latest KAIROS Briefing Paper contrasts the hopeful movement for climate justice symbolized by the People’s Climate March with the slow process of official UN negotiations. It exposes hidden dangers in certain measures that claim to address climate change, and…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
UN Climate Talks Move Backwards: Developed States Refuse Meaningful Action
November 26, 2013
Once again a UN conference on climate change has failed to take meaningful action despite the devastation wrought by typhoon Haiyan. Youth attending the conference in Warsaw singled out Canada and Australia for refusing to hear the urgent pleas for…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
IPCC Confirms We Must Act Now on Climate Change: Briefing Paper #37
November 1, 2013
KAIROS’ latest briefing paper evaluates the strength and weaknesses of the recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It cites a new study by climate scientist James Hansen showing how burning just one-third of remaining fossil fuels…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
Will Obama’s Climate Speech be a Game Changer?
July 9, 2013
On a blistering hot June day in Washington, President Obama delivered a major speech on climate change. Many interpret the event as his attempt to establish a legacy as a progressive leader deeply committed to leaving future generations “a cleaner,…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
Time to Refocus Our Approach to Climate Change: KAIROS Policy Briefing Paper No. 35
March 19, 2013
KAIROS’ newest policy briefing paper, “Time to Refocus Our Approach to Climate Change,” which highlights some of the feasible actions we can take to curb greenhouse gas emission beginning with cancelling plans for new tar sands pipelines, is now available.
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
Canadians Resisting Climate Change Despite Inaction at UN Talks
December 3, 2012
After the failure of UN climate negotiations in Copenhagen, Cancún and Durban over the last three years, it is difficult to be optimistic about the current round of talks in Doha, Qatar. The negotiations remain stalemated as parties reiterate their…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Indigenous Rights
Policy Briefing Paper #31: Whose Green Economy
June 22, 2012
In the twenty years since the historic 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, calls for “sustainable development” have been heard over and over again. Governments, corporations and civil society groups have all used the term, each in its own…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
KAIROS Policy Briefing Paper – Rio + 20: Whose Green Economy?
June 14, 2012
When the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development convenes in Rio de Janeiro on June 20th marking the twentieth anniversary of the original Earth Summit, government delegations and civil society organizations will debate contrasting visions for a “green economy.” KAIROS…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice