Posts Tagged "tar sands"
Charting a Road Map to a Sustainable Future: Making Critical Choices
October 19, 2011
KAIROS’ Sustainability team brings together our global economic justice and ecological justice program areas, and integrates components of our partnerships and education work. That’s a big portfolio, and the staff team thought that some kind of framework would be useful…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
Fate of Tar Sands Pipelines Crucial for Climate Justice
August 12, 2011
Please read KAIROS’ Report “Fate of Tar Sands Pipelines Crucial for Climate Justice” President Barack Obama is facing a crucial decision that will define the U.S. position on climate justice. He can heed the advice from the Environmental Protection Agency…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Indigenous Rights
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
May 25, 2011
UNITED NATIONS DECLARATION ON THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES Adopted by the UN General Assembly 13 September 2007 “The Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was adopted by the General Assembly on Thursday September 13, by a majority of…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights, UNDRIP Blog Updates
The Rights of the Lubicon Must be Protected
April 6, 2011
“My grandmother and mother have a trap line of their own on which they go hunting and snaring but it is rare that they will bring any rabbits, moose, deer, prairie chickens, or even bears back home…With all these roads,…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Indigenous Rights
Pumped Up: How Canada Subsidizes Fossil Fuels at the Expense of Green Alternatives
February 15, 2011
KAIROS’ 60 page 2011 study “Pumped Up: How Canada Subsidizes Fossil Fuels at the Expense of Green of Green Alternatives” demonstrates that the fossil fuel industry receives subsidies amounting to 1billion dollars a year from the federal government — resources…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
January 6, 2011
There is a lot of talk of oil in Juba. The referendum on splitting up the country which begins on Sunday will begin to clarify positions on who benefits from the considerable oil revenues of Sudan. It won’t be the…
Post filed in: Africa, Ecological Justice
Drawing a Line in the Sand
December 15, 2010
Why Canada needs to limit tar sands expansion and invest in a green economy
Post filed in: Ecological Justice, Indigenous Rights
What will be the fate of Canada’s Responsible Mining Bill?
June 28, 2010
When the House of Commons returns in September, one of the first things on the agenda will be Bill C-300, a private member’s bill designed to establish minimum standards for Canadian mining, oil and gas companies operating in developing countries….
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
Eastern Tour: St. John’s – Make It Right
June 14, 2010
The eastern leg of the “Not Business as Usual” tour kicked off in my home province of Newfoundland with a walk on the rocky beach at Middle Cove, a meal of fish and chips in Beachy Cove and a day…
Post filed in: Africa, Ecological Justice, Latin America
KAIROS’ Response to the Tar Sands
April 27, 2010
Development of the Alberta tar sands poses a serious ethical dilemma for Canadians. How can we create meaningful employment and meet our energy needs while at the same time respecting Indigenous rights and the Earth’s natural limits? The way, and…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice