Posts Tagged "letter to the editor"
Letter to the Editor: The Canadian Energy Regulator’s outlook for a net-zero 2050 is alarming
December 16, 2021
Beth Lorimer is the KAIROS Ecological Justice Program Coordinator, and their letter to the editor was published in The Globe and Mail today: “The level of oil and gas production in the Canadian Energy Regulator’s outlook for a net-zero 2050…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
Letter to the Editor: Canada needs to step up its human rights, with shift to emerging energy technologies
June 29, 2021
Re: Canada better step up its game on battery-powered electric vehicles,(The Hill Times, June 7.) Canada does need to step up, but on human rights, with the shift to emerging energy technologies, especially as it is poised to benefit from…
Post filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Latin America
Letter to the Editor: Ottawa to grant residency to 90,000 workers, students
April 19, 2021
Published in The Globe and Mail on April 19, 2021. Re: Ottawa To Grant Residency To 90,000 Workers, Students The federal government’s plan to grant permanent residency to more than 90,000 temporary foreign workers and graduated international students is long-awaited welcome…
Post filed in: Migrant Justice
Letter to the Editor: Granting residency to migrant workers would demonstrate genuine appreciation for their services
May 4, 2020
Re: Alberta Cargill’s Alberta beef plant to reopen next week after COVID-19 outbreak forced closure (April 30): The COVID-19 outbreak at two beef-processing plants in southern Alberta highlights vulnerabilities faced by foreign migrant workers in Canada. It also reveals how much…
Post filed in: Migrant Justice
Letter to the Editor: Colten Boushie/Gerald Stanley trial proves our justice system isn’t working
February 17, 2018
Originally published on February 17, 2018 in the Saturday Star. “The acquittal of Gerald Stanley in the shooting death of Colten Boushie is a stark reminder of how much work still needs to be done to address systemic and systematic…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights
Letter to the editor: Coal calculations
May 5, 2017
Re B.C.’s Clark To Target Thermal Coal Regardless Of U.S. Softwood Outcome (May 4): Christy Clark’s attacks on thermal-coal exports through B.C. in the name of fighting climate change are hypocritical, given her support for exporting liquefied natural gas. Yes,…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice
Letter to the Globe & Mail editor: Carbon credit protest
September 9, 2016
Carbon credit protest The deal between the Ontario, Quebec and Mexican governments to purchase carbon offsets was made despite the strong objections of Mexico’s indigenous people, who are adamantly opposed to selling carbon credits (Provinces Sign Greenhouse Gas Agreement With…
Post filed in: Ecological Justice