May is a month of action for mining justice

Open for Justice

Through the Open for Justice campaign, KAIROS and the Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability network continue to call for an independent ombudsperson to investigate human rights violations and environmental damage from Canadian mining companies in the Global South, as well as access to Canadian courts by those affected.  May is a Month of Action!  KAIROS supporters have generated over 200 letters so far to the Minister of International Trade.  If you have not already done so, please take a moment to write the Minister through the KAIROS website at

Although KAIROS was disappointed that the recent federal budget did not include any funds for the creation of an extractive ombudsperson, KAIROS and Open for Justice collaborators continue to advocate for this through the May Month of Action

It’s time for the federal government to deliver on this commitment.  The situation is urgent, widespread and there has been no demonstrable shift in human rights policy relating to extractives since the federal election. The call for an independent extractives ombudsperson and access to justice for the aggrieved fits a rights-based, feminist, progressive trade agenda.  Make your voice heard!

Filed in: Ecological Justice


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