Help foreign migrant workers stay in Canada. 1000 letters to be sent by November 2.

This October, join thousands of Canadians and migrant workers in calling on the Canadian government to take action!
Only 2 minutes of your time to send a letter to your MP
Canada’s Caregiver Pilot Program ends in November 2019. This presents a golden opportunity to urge Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to ensure that the new program safeguards the wellbeing of migrant caregivers, including the ability to become permanent residents, while also extending this support to all migrant workers.
For more than a century, Canada has brought in migrant women to manage households and care for children and the elderly. This need for migrant caregivers continues. It is never temporary.
Over the last 60 years, overseas caregivers have had to navigate Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program to apply for permanent residence, despite undergoing a thorough screening process prior to coming to Canada. This program has led to widespread complaints, well-documented cases of exploitation and abuse of caregivers by employers and recruiters, years of separation from families, and uncertainty about whether or when permanent residence will be granted.
Other migrant workers, who typically work in the agriculture and fish processing industries, are not even afforded the opportunity to apply for permanent residency. In some cases, this separation and the stress it creates has led to family breakdowns and mental health challenges.