Demanding climate action in the Speech from the Throne

interim chamber in the Senate of Canada Building

On September 23, the federal government will deliver the Speech from the Throne. This is an essential moment for the federal government to announce its plans to scale up climate action and build resilience for Canadian communities and economies. This week, KAIROS joins hundreds of organizations and individuals sending messages to Prime Minister Trudeau and Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland to demand a transformative just and green recovery.   

KAIROS was signatory to a letter released by Climate Action Network outlining key recommendations and expectations of the federal government in this moment. The letter calls on the federal government to commit to: 

  • Signal to the private sector and all Canadians that the commitment to reach zero emissions by 2050 requires immediate action today, with a new climate target and plan, climate accountability legislation and just transition legislation for workers. 
  • Apply conditions and principles to all government departments that ensure economic recovery spending steers the economy towards net-zero emissions by 2050. 
  • Build public understanding of the pathway to net-zero emissions by providing regular updates to Canadians on steps taken to reduce emissions and build a just and green economy. 

KAIROS also signed an open letter from the For the Love of Creation initiative initiative, which calls on the federal government to:  

  • Commit to reducing Canadian GHG emissions by 60 percent below 2005 levels by 2030, while investing in a just transition to a fair, inclusive, green economy that creates good secure jobs, and promotes the well-being of everyone in Canada; 
  • Honour the rights of Indigenous peoples by recognizing and enacting the right to free, prior and informed consent, particularly in the context of climate policy, energy policy, and infrastructure development; and by legislating the implementation of the UDeclaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
  • Commit equal support for climate change adaptation and mitigation measures in the Global South through international climate financing mechanisms, with additional funding for loss and damage, scaling up to a fair share contribution of at least $4 billion USD per year; 
  • Respond to the pandemic in the Global South through multilateral debt cancellation and increased grant-based support for Canadian international NGOs. 

These recommendations form the basis of the For the Love of Creation e-petition, which closes for signatures on October 6, 2020. Sign the e-petition today and let the federal government know that bold action on economic recovery and addressing the climate crisis will build a stronger, safer, fairer future for all Canadians.

Filed in: Ecological Justice


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