Congolese human rights defenders need our support
KAIROS asks you to keep the women and men of Congo in your thoughts and prayers in the midst of that country’s ongoing political crisis.
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is a political tinderbox ready to explode as President Joseph Kabila’s second mandate draws to a close on December 19 with no sign of his ceding power or facilitating a democratic transition. Under the DRC’s constitution, the President is limited to two terms.
Elected in 2006 and 2011, Kabila failed earlier this year when he tried changing the constitutional provision to allow him to run again for a third mandate. The national election should have been held this fall but was delayed until 2018 by the CENI (Independent National Electoral Commission), which despite its name is largely under the control of the current president.
Over the past decade, KAIROS has partnered with Congolese human rights group, Héritiers de la Justice, to combat gender-based violence and promote women’s rights. Héritiers de la Justice has been closely following the political crisis characterized by rising repression and shrinking democratic space. It has courageously called for respect for the constitution, emphasized the urgency of holding elections, and expressed hope for a peaceful transition of power.
In September, dozens were killed during violent clashes in the capital city of Kinshasa, and there were non-violent demonstrations in the eastern city of Bukavu where Héritiers de la Justice is based. A “national dialogue” process initiated by President Kabila to address the political impasse wrapped up on October 18 but achieved little as it didn’t include the country’s major opposition parties.
Please consider making a special donation to KAIROS at this critical time to support Héritiers de la Justice in promoting democracy and rule of law in DRC.
These French language resources from Héritiers de la Justice demonstrate their courage in the face of mounting repression.
Please be generous and support the human rights defenders of Congo: