Canadian Parliamentary Committee recommends changes that could help temporary migrant workers

migrant justice

Published October 19, in the Toronto-based Spanish-language magazine Revista Debate, the article “Comité Parlamentario canadiense presenta cambios a favor de trabajadores temporales”, looks at the report on the Temporary Foreign Workers Program (TFWP) released on September 19, by the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA).

The article notes that while KAIROS and other community groups acknowledge that some of the report’s recommendations are encouraging and could potentially lead to positive changes in favour of migrant workers, there is also concern that the report does not address systemic flaws with the TFWP, such as access to permanent residence. In the article, KAIROS Indigenous, Migrant & Network Relations Coordinator Alfredo Barahona, says much work is required to inform Canadians about the situation of migrant workers and to continue to advocate for access to permanent residence status for migrant workers.

Read the full article: Comité Parlamentario canadiense presenta cambios a favor de trabajadores temporales


Filed in: Migrant Justice


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