April 22 is Earth Day: Updated Worship Resource

Earth Day 2018
The Earth does not belong to us; we belong to the Earth. Humankind did not weave the web of life, we are merely a strand in it. Whatever humankind does to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are connected like the blood which unites one family. All things are connected.

Adapted from Sealth (Chief Seattle), 1854

Our Christian faith calls us toward reverence for all creation. God teaches us much about great compassion and great love for all life. Scripture tells us time and again to care deeply for the oppressed, to love each other, and to proclaim and work for justice. In faith we are committed to the transformation of the world. We are committed to transforming our relationship with the planet and with each other, again and again until the whole Earth community lives in life-giving, sustainable harmony.

This year we celebrate Earth Day on a Sunday – a unique opportunity for worship in celebration and reverence for the Earth.  KAIROS has published an updated Earth Sunday worship resource.  This full service resource is grounded in the struggle of Indigenous peoples and the particular challenges we face as a result of resource extraction on traditional lands and the increasingly devastating impacts of climate change.

Download the KAIROS Earth Sunday worship resource.

Let us know how your community recognized Earth Sunday on Facebook!  For more information, please contact the Ecological Justice Program Coordinator at watershed@kairoscanada.org.

Filed in: Ecological Justice


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