27th Annual Feb 14 Women’s Memorial March for missing and murdered Indigenous women in Canada

women's memorial march for MMIWG in 2016

On February 14, KAIROS will join Indigenous and non Indigenous groups from across Canada in remembering and honouring our missing and murdered sisters in Canada. More than 1,000 Indigenous women have been murdered or have gone missing, most over the last 20 years.  Many of these crimes and disappearances remain unsolved.

The Memorial March is an opportunity for all cities and communities to come together to grieve the loss of our beloved sisters and remember the women who are still missing.

We encourage you to find out if there are vigils or walks in your community and promote and attend these events.

For information about the Memorial March in Vancouver and the Annual Strawberry Ceremony in Toronto

The February 14 Women’s Memorial March was started in 1991 by women in Vancouver’s Eastside. Today, marches, rallies and vigils take place across Canada and globally on Valentine’s Day, or around that date, to remember these women, to respect their families and communities, and to honour their memories by calling for justice.

KAIROS seeks to support the courageous women and Indigenous organizations holding the lives of missing and murdered Indigenous women in the light. It asks that the Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls be rooted in genuine and respectful collaboration with Indigenous peoples, particularly families of victims. KAIROS also asks the Canadian government to respond to the substantial gaps in the Inquiry’s terms of reference. We are committed to a process that addresses the systemic causes of ongoing violence and the injustices surrounding these crimes, ensuring that this inquiry is the last.

In the fall of 2016, KAIROS launched the MMIWG Information Hub to provide information, resources and updates related to the national Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls in Canada.

More information on KAIROS’ work with partners in Canada to raise awareness, end violence against Indigenous women, and demand justice for past crimes can be found on our website.

As well, through the Women of Courage program, we seek to strengthen relationships and alliances between this work in Canada and the struggles of our Southern partners to address violence against women and to end impunity.

For more information, please contact Katy Quinn, Indigenous Rights program coordinator, kquinn@kairoscanada.org or Rachel Warden, Gender Justice programming, rwarden@kairoscanada.org

Filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage

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