KAIROS Canada calls on Manitoba to Search the Landfill for Morgan Harris and Marcedes Myran

KAIROS Canada joins Indigenous peoples, the faith community, civil society and others in the call for the Manitoban government to ensure that the bodies of Morgan Harris and Marcedes Myran return to their loved ones. Morgan and Marcedes were murdered and left in the Winnipeg landfill. The government has shamefully refused to search for them.
This search must bring dignity to their lives and honour their loved ones.
In Indigenous teachings, all life is sacred and connected. Women are valued as powerful life-givers to sacred life by bringing children into this world. Indigenous women carry our very futures with them and are connected to Mother Earth and Father Sky.
Indigenous women have continued to provide communities with their strength and resilience. Their connection to Mother Earth and the land provides them with the gift of guardianship to the waters, land and all living beings. With this they gather sacred medicines and protect water and lands. As the matriarchs of their communities, Indigenous women are known for their compassion and love for all.
When will Canada stop turning its back on the Indigenous Peoples? When will it value their lives? Since colonization, Indigenous Peoples have been devalued and experienced attempts of erasure and horrific violence.
It is abhorrent that anyone’s final resting place be a landfill. The Manitoban government’s refusal to search for Morgan and Marcedes speaks volumes.
KAIROS will continue to hold those affected in our prayers and to advocate for the rights and dignity of Indigenous Peoples and their human rights.