Women Resisting Extractivism Film Club | The Condor & The Eagle

The Condor & the Eagle, Messages from above

For the June instalment of the Women Resisting Extractivism film night, KAIROS has partnered with theLegacy of Hope Foundationfor a screening and discussion of The Condor & The Eagle. 

This online event features co-hosts Chrystal Waban from KAIROS’ Indigenous Rights Program and Teresa Edwards from Legacy of Hope.  The event will support the work of KAIROS, Legacy of Hope and the Global Impact Campaign “No More Sacrificed Communities”. 

Please join us on Tuesday, June 29th at 7 pm EDT. Register now for this exciting finale of the Women Resisting Extractivism Film Club in support of the KAIROS MERE-Hub. Registration for this screening is free. This event is donation-based – everybody can attend regardless of ability to pay.

A panel discussion with Liana Lopez and other film protagonists will follow the screening and explore how media can highlight Indigenous voices and create a shift from witnessing environmental destruction to practical actions for sustainable community-based initiatives.

Since February, the Women Resisting Extractivism Film Club has highlighted the leadership of women land and water defenders and attempted to create a generative online space for participants to come together, learn, and build community. 

Mother Earth and Resource Extraction: Women Defending Land and Water (MERE Hub) is a digital platform on the gendered impacts of resource extraction, created for and in consultation with women land defenders from across the globe who are mobilizing around large-scale resource extraction. It builds on KAIROS’ work with partners on these issues. A number of videos, including the introductory video, the Gendered Side of Corporate Accountability can be found on the site.

Filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Indigenous Rights

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