Witness history unfold in funding case against the federal government
An historic case is before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal. The First Nations Child and Family Caring Society and the Assembly of First Nations filed a human rights complaint in 2007 alleging that the federal government is racially discriminating against First Nations children in their underfunding of child welfare services on reserve. After numerous attempts by the Government of Canada to have the case dismissed on technicalities, at a cost of over $3 million in legal fees , it is finally being heard on its merits starting on February 25, 2013.
Read the press release here.
As Dr. Cindy Blackstock, the Executive Director of the Caring Society has said, “reconciliation means not having to say sorry twice”. The current inequitable funding model is driving First Nations children into foster care in numbers that far exceed those in attendance at residential schools during the height of era.

One of many personal messages from children and teens who are affected by this human rights case. (Photo credit: FNCFCS)
Is this what reconciliation looks like? Show you care about the outcome of this case by signing up to be a witness.
Listen to children explain why this case matters to them in this fifteen minute video called Letters to Canada that details their visions of reconciliation and equity.
In the coauthored report Honouring the Children, KAIROS and the Caring Society draw attention to this case and more generally to the underfunding of services for First Nations children on reserve. This resource draws on the experience of youth and children to explain the root causes and impacts of inequitable funding-and what we can do about it. To order a print copy contact orders@kairoscanada.org.
KAIROS continues to focus on Truth, Reconciliation and Equity: They Matter to Us! For the mistakes of the past, Canadians need to hear and tell the truth. With the promise of reconciliation, Canadians need to end the inequities of the present. Please show your support for ending the current inequities by becoming a witness to this case.
For more information, contact Katy Quinn, Indigenous Rights Program Coordinator at kquinn@kairoscanada.org or 613-235-9956 ext. 224.