Tell the federal government a new law is needed to protect Canadians’ free speech 

free speech

For decades, Canadian charities have given voice to the concerns of Canadians who want social change, better health and a clean and safe environment. From laws banning smoking in public places, to the creation of anti-drinking and driving laws and reducing acid rain, these important measures and more were  in part the result of charities voicing Canadians’ desire for change. Churches and ecumenical bodies, as charities, have helped amplify Canadians’ voices for social justice on issues such as the end to apartheid in South Africa, the cancellation of global third world debt, or the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

But the rules regarding what charities can and cannot do are open to abuse due to ambiguous guidelines and outdated laws. We need the laws changed so that charities are protected from political harassment and can be an even bolder voice for the common good. You can help! Take action here.

Tell the federal government to keep its promise of creating a new law to protect your right to be heard through the charities you support, like KAIROS. 

Other countries around the world have modernized their charitable laws to protect free speech. The Minister of National Revenue is reviewing the rules under which charities can speak out in Canadian society and wants to hear from you! But you only have until November 24th to make your voice heard. KAIROS is doing a submission, but we need you to also contribute your views.

Tell the federal government a new law is needed to give citizens a voice through charities they support and to enable charities to continue critical public policy work on issues that impact Canadians. 

Doing so will ensure Canadians like you continue to have an avenue for voicing your concerns on issues that impact your daily life.

Send a letter now.

For more information contact Jennifer Henry at

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