Take Action on World Water Day 2012!

World Water Day 2012Today, March 22, is World Water Day.  Yet Canada has still failed to implement a National Water Policy which would ensure the safety of Canadian water.  Canada is also one of only two countries at the United Nations General Assembly that have refused to recognize the human right to water and sanitation.

This poses particular problems for Indigenous peoples in Canada, who suffer from the lack of safe water more than any other community. First Nations homes are 90% more likely to be without running water than the homes of other Canadians.

96% of Canadians believe that water is a human right. We call on the government to respond to that belief, and to our international obligations as a member of the UN to enact a National Plan for the Realization of the Right to Water and Sanitation and report to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on its progress.

KAIROS has been working with our network for many years on water justice. Today we have joined with 13 other organizations in asking all MPs to sign a pledge that they will help ensure that Canada provides adequate funding for safe water in all communities, particularly indigenous communities, that Canada recognize water as a human right and enact stronger policies for stronger environmental protection.

Please join us in this action by writing a letter to or meeting with your MP to encourage him/her to sign the pledge. Background on the Pledge and material for your letter or conversation can be found in the Appeal to Parliamentarians. Copy us on your correspondence and let us know how your meeting goes with an email to petition@kairoscanada.org

Appeal to Parliamentarians:




Filed in: Indigenous Rights, UNDRIP Blog Updates

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