Posts Tagged "2024"



KAIROS Great Lakes St. Lawrence presents it’s biennial fall get together on line. This year we are inviting KAIROS national representatives to update us on KAIROS work being done in the fields of Migrant Justice, Indigenous Rights, Ecological Justice and…


Love of Earth & Love of Enemy Retreat at Galilee Centre

Throughout history, the meeting between St. Francis and Sultan Malik al Kamil stands as a beacon of compassion, respect, and reconciliation. It serves as a timeless reminder of the importance of embracing diversity and seeking common ground through peaceful means. Guided…


Wonder Walk

Every year Simcoe County Kairos explores one element of our mission statement.  This year we invite you to explore our Sacred Creation and to honour the world around us.   Wonder Walk Guided by Staff of Tiffin Conservation Staff Sunday June…


Why Canada must say ‘NO’ to Deep Sea Mining.

KAIROS Victoria has been involved at the table with Victoria’s Mining Justice Action Committee for two + decades. Together we have worked on many issues. June 1-9th Canada celebrates World Ocean’s Week and we are marking it by hosting a…

KAIROS’ Calls to Action 2024

January 31, 2024

We regard this time with increasing alarm. Canada and the world are grappling with the pandemic’s aftermath, horrific wars, the erosion of democracy and rise in global temperatures and its catastrophic impacts. Our global partners continue to report increases in…

Post filed in: Calls To Action, Corporate Accountability, Ecological Justice, Gender Justice, Indigenous Rights, Migrant Justice