Solidarity with members of the Chinese community who are experiencing a deepening of racism

Photo by Eduardo C.G. on Unsplash

As the news is filled with regular updates on the Coronavirus, we want to express our solidarity with those who are directly impacted by the illness and their families. We share our grief for those who have died, and our concern and hope for healing for those currently suffering.  

At this time, we want to support public health officials, health care workers and all those striving to deal responsibly with this crisis, while remembering the communities in China that are experiencing the most sober challenges. 

In Canada, we want to express our solidarity with members of the Chinese community who are experiencing a deepening of racism. 

As churches and religious organizations, we invite people to reach out.  Place signs expressing solidarity with Chinese Canadians in or outside your churches or consider intentionally patronizing Chinese Canadian owned businesses and restaurants.   May this be a time of standing together, and resisting being driven apart by racism and fear.

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