Recognition to outgoing KAIROS Regional Reps for their outstanding contribution to the KAIROS Network

Earlier this fall, Bev McDonald stepped down from the role of KAIROS Atlantic Regional Representative after 8 years of service. The role of Regional Rep is a big commitment that requires a lot of dedication and perseverance and all of us in the KAIROS community wish to recognize her valuable and lasting contribution to the work of KAIROS in the Atlantic region and nationally.
Bev has many connections in the church, around social justice circles and in the wider community, and she never hesitated to bring those various circles together for the greater good. Bev has innovative ideas and is a true “networker.” Fortunately, we are not really saying goodbye as Bev’s transition is prompted in part by a deeper involvement in refugee issues, and we expect to see her in many of the same activist circles. What we do want to say is a huge thank you for the many years that Bev was so active and diligent in keeping people connected across the Atlantic, and as a liaison with the KAIROS national office.
Here are some thoughts from people who worked closely with Bev:
“We continue to be amazed with Bev’s devotion to KAIROS and to refugees. We can’t remember how long we have worked together. She did an excellent job as treasurer and then took over as Regional Rep. Bev’s example has encouraged us to stay involved and keep working for justice. She has been very supportive of our local activities encouraging us to reach out.”
Jim and Myrna Wicks, KAIROS Charlottetown
“Thank you so much for all that you’ve been doing ‘behind the scenes’ to support and encourage the work of KAIROS throughout this area: making opportunities to speak to groups and conferences so that more people in all parts of the region could know what KAIROS is and how they could be part of the movement; connecting individuals, groups and resources throughout the region and beyond in order to gather us together for the most meaningful regional meetings possible; and for being available to share and be a helpful example and resource for our Halifax cluster whenever we needed and called on you. Your dedication to quietly live your faith for justice and care for others will always be an inspiration to me.”
Linda Scherzinger, Halifax KAIROS
“Bev, you have kept the justice connections flowing for us! On behalf of Maritime Conference and the Church in Action Committee I want to say you are greatly appreciated!”
Laura Hunter, Justice & Stewardship Minister, Maritime Conference of the UCC
“Your dedication and corroborative spirit is much admired and has been an inspiration. I am honoured to follow you and trust I am able emulate the positive representation of KAIROS in the Atlantic region you have fostered over for the past several years. Enjoy the new challenges you are becoming involved in, but please continue take part in KAIROS meetings and events whenever your time allows.”
Regards with gratitude, Mary Rigby
Mary Rigby is the incoming Atlantic Regional Representative. We are pleased to have someone who is already so active and connected in this role and look forward to working with her more closely.
After two years as the Regional Rep for KAIROS Prairies North region our dear friend Don Dale is retiring. Don has been a long-time volunteer within the KAIROS regional networks. He generously stepped up to help keep the network going in the region and represented the KAIROS Prairies North region in the KAIROS Movement Building Circle. We will miss you in the regional structures of KAIROS Don, but we look forward to continue working with you through the KAIROS Calgary local group where you are still a key part of the team. Don, from all of us at KAIROS national and the Movement Building Circle, we want to express our sincere gratitude for all your contributions and wish you and your partner Jean all the best.
Here are some heartfelt words from some of the people who have worked with you:
“On behalf of all those Saskatchewan people who have been associated with KAIROS over the past several years, we thank you, Don, for your genuine interest in KAIROS, your dedication to the task of volunteer representative of the KAIROS Prairies and North region and all you have done to contribute to maintaining our network. We wish you and Jean the very best in a well deserved retirement.”
Dan Beveridge, chair, KAIROS Regina and Bert Pitzel, KAIROS Saskatchewan sub-region co-coordinator
“Thank you Don for your many years of service as KPN Regional Coordinator. It has been an honour and a privilege personally, and by the KAIROS Lethbridge Committee collectively, to have had your unwavering support all these years. Your heartfelt dedication and compassionate care, insight and wise counsel is so gratefully appreciated. All the best in your commitment to social justice, retirement and valued time with Jean and family.”
Wendy Kalkan
Wendy Kalkan from KAIROS Lethbridge is replacing Don as Regional Rep for KAIROS Prairies North. Wendy steps into this role after being heavily involved in local and regional KAIROS work. In particular Wendy has been very active in working with a number of volunteers to facilitate the KAIROS Blanket Exercise. We welcome Wendy into this role with thanks in advance for her contributions to KAIROS Prairies North.